
How Do Plants Break Down Rocks?


4 Answers

Jeremy Cairns Profile
Jeremy Cairns answered
It matters what you mean by "break down". A tap root can split a rock based on the rock's composition and facilitate its change. Since matter is never lost, the rock will only deplete into smaller chucks. A good example of this is in Southern Utah. The giant mesas look like their solid rock (and the are definitely hard to the touch), but they have a sparse amount of plants and trees that crop out of them. These plants are rugged desert plants that live off of the water that seeps into the rock. Of course, the water takes 14,000 years to get through the rock, but there is enough retained that a root system can be formed, in turn affecting the integrity of the rock.
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Tom Murry
Tom Murry commented
Moss and lichen

When moss and Lichens grow on rocks, the surface of the rock becomes more humid. This creates an environment that is vulnerable to both chemical and physical weathering. With the added humidity, the rock becomes weak, this allows the rock to ware away due to the growth of the organism moss and lichen also release acid compounds which combine with water to speed up the weathering process


Roots of plans can sometimes grow inside of a rocks cracks and expand and burrow deeper into the rock and which splits the rock therefore fastens the weathering process. But sometimes the plants just surround the rock and don’t really put any pressure on it what so ever.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because the roots grow and push the rocks apart.
shane rees Profile
shane rees answered
I forget what its called but its when plants start growing in the cracks of rocks and as the roots grow it starts tearing the rock apart. Hope that helps. Mr. Chillen =D
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Tom Murry
Tom Murry commented
Moss and lichen

When moss and Lichens grow on rocks, the surface of the rock becomes more humid. This creates an environment that is vulnerable to both chemical and physical weathering. With the added humidity, the rock becomes weak, this allows the rock to ware away due to the growth of the organism moss and lichen also release acid compounds which combine with water to speed up the weathering process


Roots of plans can sometimes grow inside of a rocks cracks and expand and burrow deeper into the rock and which splits the rock therefore fastens the weathering process. But sometimes the plants just surround the rock and don’t really put any pressure on it what so ever.

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