What's The Balanced Chemical Equation Of: H3BO3 + NaOH = Na2H2BO3 + H20?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think that the answer is:
H3BO3 + 3NaOH --> Na3BO3 + 3H2O
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The Equation is not correct it should be

H3BO3   + NaOH = Na2H2 +   BO3 +   H2O

and the balanced equation is

4H3BO3 + 6 NaOH = 3 Na2H2 +   4 BO3    + 6 H2O

I am sure the following site will help you

Balance Chemical Equation
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
2NaOH + 4H3BO3 ==> Na2B4O7 + 7H2O

There really is no such thing as Na2H2BO3

Pozdro, o.r.s.
luth dela cruz Profile
luth dela cruz answered
2H3BO3 + 4NaOH ---- 2Na2H2BO3 + 3H2O

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