
Why Do You Think Controlling Greenhouse Gases Is Such A Difficult Problem? List Some Of The Technological, Economic, Political, Emotional, And Other Factors Involved. Whose Responsibility Is It To Reduce Our Impacts On Climate?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Just so you know, the person that asked this question is doing an assignment for a class and is asking the question to see what people say or think about the subject. So instead of insulting people by claiming that they are spoiled, why don't you consider why a person might ask a question such as this rather than assume the worst.
Lisa Profile
Lisa answered
I do not think I want to see this site anymore, after seeing the 10 year old's answer.  I was looking at the same question for a class and after seeing this answer I will not be back to this site.  Maybe this 10 year old should be banned from the computer period.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Bryana 10 needs to be banned from a computer herself.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The little 10 year old girl needs her parents to teach her a lesson and stopping being a B!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
First of all, yeah, they should be the main ones to lower our Green house gases, and should be the ones to control it and tell us how to do so ourselves.  But Green house gases, are causing major climate changes and that is to be delt with.  And you shouldn't be relying on them to do all the work.  I am NOT some envornment freak lover, but I beleive that if we want the Earth to last longer, we are going to have to make some changes to. Not just the people that mainly study it, US TO.  So why don't you stop spending so much time on the computer and start helping the envornment if you are so into it that you are asking us questions on the computer.  It isn't their job to do all the work for you.  We all have to work together, and if you can't see that, you must be the biggest spoiled person in the world. And I am only 10.  So why don't you get your friggin but outside and start working. Or go someplace that knows all about this kinda stuff, and ask them what you should do.  Don't be wasting stupid time asking US people that have no research with this topic, how to lower Green house gases and why it is such a problem.  If you want to knoe, GO TO SOME BODY THAT DOES KNOW!!!!!!
 your welcome "says the friggin 10 yr old gril tht just friggin answered your friggin question."

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