
How To Use FIFO Page Removal Algorithm?


1 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
FIFO is accounting term that is used in relation to inventories meaning "first in, first out" as a way of assigning value to the goods currently in the warehouse. It is also a concept that makes virtual computing possible in operating systems that use paging for memory management. This is a process that is transparent to the user and the only way you could ever put this system to the test is to do literally hundreds of things at once on your computer. And the result would most likely be that your computer crashes.

In this virtual page management system, algorithms determine which pages in memory are to be written to disk, and which pages to swap out when a page is memory has to be allocated. When the pages that were swapped out need to be referenced again, it must be read in from another disk and this involves input/output operations that take plenty of computer clock time. This is the procedure by which the quality of the page replacement algorithms is determined, the less time it takes to retrieve said documents, the better the algorithm.

Algorithms such as these are not new developments. It was a hot topic back in the 1960's and 1970's and while the research lead to new developments in computers for that time, they were not useful in the virtual memory management systems that today's computers must have to operate. Later research and better computer hardware and software eventually led to the development of virtual systems first for mainframe computers, and later on, the PC and Mac.

So if you want to know how good your FIFO page removal algorithms works, first look at the package and instructions that came with your computer to see if it uses this memory system. Then load up plenty of I/O operations with every drive you have while running a ton of applications and you just may find out.

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