
What Type Of Liquid Will Rust The Steel The Fastest,white Vinegar, Salt Water, Or Water?


4 Answers

Ryan Miller Profile
Ryan Miller answered
Rust is caused by oxidation of iron molecules in some forms of steel.  Stainless steel does not contain iron so rust cannot occur.  Water speeds the oxidation process of iron, and salt water exponentially so because of the ions freed by the solution.  Acids do not get rid of rust, however they may clean rust particles off of the cleaner, unrusted metal underneath.  If an electric current is passed through water surrounding iron or an alloy containing iron, the iron atoms will combine with oxygen atoms faster, producing rust in a shorter period of time
Newt Profile
Newt answered
Depends on the concentration of the salt. I think I'm going to go with vinegar. It has all the conductivity of salt water plus the acidity. Acids rust metals really quickly.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am doing a project and I was wondering what 4 liquids make steel/iron rust the quickest
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well..... Not exactly axlotl, because as you've seen in movies, acids dissolves metal or create rust, but most acids used in the metal industries help to prevent rust from metal, if you take a rusted peice of metal, and soak it in strong acid, the rust WILL disapear...but water helps speed up rusting because it is electrically conductive.

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