What Ice Cube Will Melt The Fastest Salt Water Or Normal Water?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
For Goodness' sake people, go try the experiment yourself! It's not as if it's hard or anything! Get two glasses, some water, some salt, and a couple of ice cubes! The cube in normal water will melt faster because the ice water is more dense and the cold water from the melting cube won't sink as in the normal water (because colder water is more dense), but will stay around the ice cube keeping it cool.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The normal water will melt faster because in normal water the molecules are closer. The water in the glass is constantly moving keeping the ice cube warm. The salt water is much denser so the ice cube colds will not move and the warm water stays at the bottom of the glass
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think salt water but if hot normal water
Shortstuff TheShort Profile
The ice cube would melt faster in salt water. You know how they use salt to melt ice on roads? So the salt would speed up the process of melting.

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