Can You Describe The Digestive System Step By Step Starting With The Mouth?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well it depends how much detail you want...I'll keep it simple.
Food enters the mouth and goes through mechanical digestion through chewing which breaks the food into smaller pieces, and chemical digestion through the enzymes in saliva.
Food then moves down the esophagus into the stomach, where chemical digestion occurs through gastric juice which is produced in the stomach. The gastric juice contains enzymes which further break down the food. Mechanical digestion also occurs through the movements of the stomach called peristalsis. This further breaks up the food into a fluidly substance.
The food then moves into the small intestine. The food moves along the small intestine due to the muscles in it contracting and relaxing. The food is further broken down into smaller molecules here. Eventually the food reaches a part where the small molecules that have been broken down in the food are absorbed by the walls of the intestine into the blood where its transported around the body.
The remaining food that hasn't been absorbed moves along the large intestine, where the water is absorbed from it, before the substances that can't be absorbed are released through the anus in faces (poo). Other organs like the pancreas are also involved, although the food doesn't directly pass through them.
thanked the writer.
nettie commented
perfect answer,this should be helpful to anyone that reads it. Thanks....Peace
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Food enters through mouth. After chewing it enters through oesophagus to the the stomach it gets further process of digestion and digested food enters in small intestine and non-digestible food enters to large intestine.digested is absorbed in the blood and provide nourishment while non- digestible food passes out as faeces.
thanked the writer.
nettie commented
very good except, all food is digested, and what ever is needed for nourishment is used it is unused food that is the bowels, not being rude,just didn't want any wrong information going to anyone as we have young ones reading, I must say you know your S---.(smile)
Shahzad Saleem Profile
Shahzad Saleem answered
The food, hopefully well chewed, is mixed to paste with the saliva and transported through the esophagus into the stomach. The better the food has been broken down and mixed with the saliva, the better for the stomach. First of all, it accepts the consignment from the esophagus and then sends signals by means of the certain hormones to the gallbladder and the pancreas, requesting them to make sufficient enzymes available for the work to be performed in the intestinal tract.

In addition, the amylases to be found in the stomach proceed with the activity on the carbohydrates initiated by their colleagues in the saliva. At the same time, the proteins present in the food past are decomposed. For this purpose, the stomach produces between one and two liters gastric juice each day containing primarily the hydrochloric acid and several proteins- degrading enzymes such as pepsin and cathepsin. Babies also produce the enzyme chymosin (rennin), which is of special importance for the utilization of milk protein.

They are natural present in the animal tissues we eat. The richest sources are liver, kidney and the spleen, but they are also present in the various forms of meat and fish we consume.
Coriander Spun Profile
Coriander Spun answered
Digestion starts in the mouth where chemical and mechanical digestion occurs. Then the partially digested food slowly travels down the esophagus through the process of peristalsis. Then it enters the stomach where, again, mechanical and chemical digestion occurs. Then it enters the small intestines where nutrients are absorbed. Finally, it enters the large intestines, or colon, where water is absorbed. Then it exits your body through the rectum or anus.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Food enters throw your mouth. Then when you chew it with your teeth it mixes with siliva and makes it really soft. Then it goes hrow pattriently threw down the esophagus threw the process of peristalcis. Then it enters the stomach whee, again, Mechanical and chemical digestion occurs. Then it enter s the small intestance where nutrients are absorved. Finally it eners the larg intestance or colon, where water is absorved. With that it makes a sold waste. Then it exists throw th  recxum or anus.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know ask bing they should know shes Thier taking over google and google means moor than infinity
venkatesan kumaresh Profile
The alimentary canal

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