Taking revenge can never be righteous, but it is not sinful if you take revenge at the level equal to the harm done to you. BUT the harm that you do to the person should NOT exceed the harm that he did to you. However, if you forgive and forget, that is always the best practice!
I don't believe that revenge is righteous. Love is the goal. Forgiveness will be blessed. I can see that revenge under circumstances where someone has hurt someone else, would be 'justified', but we are held to a different standard, and gain more, if we learn to forgive.

Getting revenge can be very satisfying but most of the time it will backfire and cause more problems.
People usually end up screwing themselves.
" What goes around, comes around"
People usually end up screwing themselves.
" What goes around, comes around"
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Hewwls Yeah! It depends on what they did. I was reading a story and the main characters got a little taste of victory from getting revenge on a mass murderer ;)
Revenge only satisfies one thing .. A person's personal and selfish need to get even or get an upper hand.
Revenge is not justice. Doing something revengeful is never 'right' because it does not regain a sense of balance .. Two wrongs don't make a right.
My sister's ex hit her daughter, and it was hard for the family not to string him up and beat the dog crap out of him. He went to jail and will be receiving God's revenge instead. God does things in seven fold and we get to stand back and watch, I find it more entertaining than doing it myself besides I didn't want to go to jail for beating him... How would that look to the child and it makes me no better than him.
Revenge isn't righteous... But it can sure make you feel good for a while. I learned over the years with my ex-husband, they if you give him enough rope he will eventually hang himself... Hes tried to do me wrong so many times.... And sometimes hes successful...... But Karma always jumps up and bites him in his ass. ;)
No. We are to forgive those who trespass against us(do us wrong, speak badly,etc.) God will take care of it. If we want forgiven for our sins we must first forgive others. That doesnt mean your supposed to stick around and be abused.