
Why Is Fahrenheit, Rather Than Celsius, Still Used To Measure Temperature In The USA?


3 Answers

Julii Brainard Profile
Julii Brainard answered
Read more on blurtit about the Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature scales.

Both were invented in the early 1700s. Fahrenheit by a physicist, while the Celsius scale is credited to Anders Celsius (an astronomer) and Carolus Linnaeus (a expert scientist in several fields).

Daniel Fahrenheit got the jump on the Celsius scale mostly because he also invented the alcohol and mercury thermometers (in 1709 and 1714 respectively). So everybody who could read a thermometer quickly learnt his scale. Celsius thermometers were soon devised, too, but they weren't as widely used for a long time.

Another advantage to the Fahrenheit scale is that it uses 100 degrees to span what is only 40 degrees in Celsius. So you get a finer resolution of ambient temperatures; we can talk about how cold or hot it is in more detail when using Fahrenheit.

American scientists do widely use Celsius, but lay people are highly reluctant to change to an unfamiliar and coarser resolution system. It can be argued that Celsius has been imposed elsewhere against the public mood, whereas Americans are less tolerant of autocratic government initiatives.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Not true, you can use decimal points in the Celsius scale so there are an infinite number of points, not just forty. The Celsius scale makes much more sense in that zero and 100 are well known end points, the freezing and boiling points of water.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I personally am not from america, but people need to get over america using fahrenheit instead of Celsius. Imagine if your government, out of no where, made you use fahrenheit instead of Celsius. It is way too hard to change what americans already are used to. Plus, fahrenheit is more accurate. You go to america, you must learn there ways. And stop calling them "snobs" just because they refuse to use Celsius.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because our president would be to stupid to know if it was hot or cold out....
No not really but if we just change it many people wouldn't use it or couldn't read it...but the US does need to change over it would help a lot of kids in school like me!!!

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