General purpose registers are used to store data temporarily either 8 bit data or 4 bit data according to their size whereas special registers is used for holding the results of any arithmetic or logic operations carried out by the arithmetic logic unit
A special register is the most valuable register that is use for store the large scale data in the memory at a time. So we can easily manage the data as per requirement.
General purpose registers are used to store temporary data..egg.B,C,D,E,H,L in 8085
on the other hand special purpose registers hold the program state...egg.stack pointer,PC etc.
on the other hand special purpose registers hold the program state...egg.stack pointer,PC etc.
General purpose registers are used by programmer to store data where as the special purpose registers are used by cpu for temporary storage of the data for calculations and other purposes.
Program counter, Stack pointer & other peripheral Status registers are Special purpose registers. Where as the registers R1, R2 ... Etc which are used to store data / address during execution are General purpose regs!
General purpose registers are symmetric and interchangeable and the special purpose registers are symmetric.
General purpose register can store both data and addresses.
Special purpose register is a temporary memory that hold specific data during processing by the processor while general purpose is responsible for any type of data so long as it is neccessary to be hold by the register. It range from 12-32.
Hiiiiiiiiiiii my name is hritik roshan General purpose register is that one that the students use in school n colleges for ex. Navneet , chandan , laji , munmun...etc special purpose register is that one that the government uses i.e. Attendence register,,,,, voting register ,etc... Hope the answer helped you... Thanx...