The area code of 01915 is for the city of Sunderland within the county of Tyne and Wear on the north-east coast of England. Other exchanges in the area that use the code of 0191 are Durham, Newcastle upon Tyne, Washington, Tyneside and Wearside.
There are approximately a hundred and eighty thousand people living in the area and calling any of them from an external location would mean dialing the above code. If Lewis Carroll was alive today his area code would also have been the same.
Sunderland is also a port city and at one time was famous as the "Greatest Shipbuilding Town in the World". The ports of the town rolled out nearly two hundred and fifty merchant ships during the war years. The town is no longer active in shipbuilding with all the shipyards having been closed.
There are approximately a hundred and eighty thousand people living in the area and calling any of them from an external location would mean dialing the above code. If Lewis Carroll was alive today his area code would also have been the same.
Sunderland is also a port city and at one time was famous as the "Greatest Shipbuilding Town in the World". The ports of the town rolled out nearly two hundred and fifty merchant ships during the war years. The town is no longer active in shipbuilding with all the shipyards having been closed.