According to BBC News, death toll in Asian tsunami 2004 is more than 220,000 and more than 166,000 people died in Indonesia alone. However, U.S geological survey claims a total of 227,898 and around 170,000 causalities in Indonesia.
Some other sources also have their own statistics on confirmed and presumed deaths in Asian tsunami; around 295,608 people died in total and 242,347 in Indonesia by the massive destruction of tsunami. Tsunami earthquake struck the coastal line of South Asia with an epicenter off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia on 26th December 2004 with the magnitude between 9.1 and 9.3.
The Asian Tsunami 2004 engulfed the coastal line of 12 countries including Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Maldives, Malaysia, Bangladesh and Myanmar.
Indonesia tops the death toll figure among other affected countries by tsunami, where the province of Aceh and North Sumatra have more confirmed deaths, as the area was directly hit by tsunami tides. After Indonesia, Sri Lanka has faced high destruction with the death toll around 30,000 followed by India and
Thailand, having number of causalities around 16,000 and 5,200 respectively.
In Thailand 3,000 people are reported as missing, from which more than 1,000 were foreigners.
Reports have also revealed that one third of the total death figures comprised of children. According to the sources, there are two possible reasons of that; first children have low ability to resist against the natural calamities and secondly all the affected areas are densely populated with children.
The Asian tsunami is the cause of death over 7,000 tourists (mostly from Europe), and around 500 tourists were missing in this disaster. There were a high number of tourists from Sweden, causing the death toll of 3,559 Swedish citizens in tsunami.
There were around 500,000 people injured in Asian tsunami, according to World Health Organization report. Around 1.69 million people were displaced in this gigantic tragedy.
Recently on 11th March 2011, Japan has also become the victim of earthquake and tsunami, which is now left with thousands of homeless people. More than 10,000 people have passed away, with 17,440 people missing and 2,775 reported as injured.
Some other sources also have their own statistics on confirmed and presumed deaths in Asian tsunami; around 295,608 people died in total and 242,347 in Indonesia by the massive destruction of tsunami. Tsunami earthquake struck the coastal line of South Asia with an epicenter off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia on 26th December 2004 with the magnitude between 9.1 and 9.3.
The Asian Tsunami 2004 engulfed the coastal line of 12 countries including Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Maldives, Malaysia, Bangladesh and Myanmar.
Indonesia tops the death toll figure among other affected countries by tsunami, where the province of Aceh and North Sumatra have more confirmed deaths, as the area was directly hit by tsunami tides. After Indonesia, Sri Lanka has faced high destruction with the death toll around 30,000 followed by India and
Thailand, having number of causalities around 16,000 and 5,200 respectively.
In Thailand 3,000 people are reported as missing, from which more than 1,000 were foreigners.
Reports have also revealed that one third of the total death figures comprised of children. According to the sources, there are two possible reasons of that; first children have low ability to resist against the natural calamities and secondly all the affected areas are densely populated with children.
The Asian tsunami is the cause of death over 7,000 tourists (mostly from Europe), and around 500 tourists were missing in this disaster. There were a high number of tourists from Sweden, causing the death toll of 3,559 Swedish citizens in tsunami.
There were around 500,000 people injured in Asian tsunami, according to World Health Organization report. Around 1.69 million people were displaced in this gigantic tragedy.
Recently on 11th March 2011, Japan has also become the victim of earthquake and tsunami, which is now left with thousands of homeless people. More than 10,000 people have passed away, with 17,440 people missing and 2,775 reported as injured.