Macroeconomics is the branch of economics. The subject matter of Macroeconomics deals with three aspects of national aggregates including, measurement, stability and growth. Most of the variables of macroeconomics are related with employment/unemployment, price/inflation and national income. By analyzing these indicators the movement of economy is controlled therefore, macroeconomics play a very important role in monitoring an economy.
We study Macroeconomics to understand how the whole economy functions. Macroeconomists develop models that explain the relationship between such factors as national income, output, consumption, unemployment, inflation, savings, investment, international trade and international finance. In contrast, microeconomics is primarily focused on the actions of individual agents, such as firms and consumers, and how their behavior determines prices and quantities in specific markets.
Macroeconomics is a branch of economics and its subject matter deals with structure and performance of the economy of a region, nation or country. Instead of studying firms individually, it studies their aggregate affect on the economy like unemployement rate, inflation, national income, output, production, savings and investment and international trade etc. The two main purposes of this field of study are the effects and causes of fluctuations in the short term on the national income and the factors that affect long term growth.
Theory of NI; in the macro economics we study NI; it's another concepts and its measurements.Theory of NI fluctuations; the major part of macro-economics deals with the theory of NI determination. Accordingly, in macro-economics we study classical and Keynesian theories of national income and employment.Theory of Ni fluctuations: in capitalist economies, the economic activities are never alike. Sometimes there is brisk in the economic life, while on the other occasions, the business activities are sluggish. Such fluctuations in economic life of a country are known as trade cycles. Why there are such fluctuations.
Theory of consumption and savings: in macroeconomics, AD plays an important role. The AD has an important component which is consumption. The consumption has a counterpart which is saving. Ho people behave regarding consumption expenditures an savings? In this connection, starting from Keynes consumption function, we have a lot of consumption theories like Dusenberry's Relative income theory and Modigiliani's relative income theory.
Theory of growth: the Keynes model of income and employment just deals with the static and comparative static situations. But in addition to this model, we have a lot of dynamic growth models in macroeconomics where we study the growth path of the economy; effect of change in population on the level of NI; effect of the change in technology on the level of NI, etc.
Theory of consumption and savings: in macroeconomics, AD plays an important role. The AD has an important component which is consumption. The consumption has a counterpart which is saving. Ho people behave regarding consumption expenditures an savings? In this connection, starting from Keynes consumption function, we have a lot of consumption theories like Dusenberry's Relative income theory and Modigiliani's relative income theory.
Theory of growth: the Keynes model of income and employment just deals with the static and comparative static situations. But in addition to this model, we have a lot of dynamic growth models in macroeconomics where we study the growth path of the economy; effect of change in population on the level of NI; effect of the change in technology on the level of NI, etc.
Macroeconomics focuses on the following theories: (I) National income
(II) Money (III) employment (IV)price levels (V) economic growth and (VI) international trade.
(II) Money (III) employment (IV)price levels (V) economic growth and (VI) international trade.