How Do You Think Life First Originated On Earth?


11 Answers

Ace anonymous Profile
Ace anonymous answered
I think that when God created the universe (with the big bang) slowly over time as new elements and chemicals formed eventually amino acids were formed. Over time, these amino acids became simple proteins, and eventually became more complex as time went on. Well we know that when proteins get complex enough the begin to break apart and form new proteins on their own (without stimulus from the environment). Once it got to that point it was just a matter of time until these proteins began to form very simple forms of life which eventually became more complex. As these organisms became more complex and as time went on we were eventually formed (possibly we evolved from an ape-like creater that was alive around 300,000 years ago when humans first evolved, but NOT A MONKEY).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I believe in a scientific explanation for the origin of life
on this planet. When you put the molecules that make up life together such as
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen you have a chance of life being created.
While this seems far too random to have any merit, scientists have
found that all of these materials make up even the most basic organisms. So at
the right place, at the right time, under perfect conditions life will form.
Einstein would call this "god playing dice with the universe."
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
As a Christian I believe God created it all.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I believe, as a christian, that God created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. He wrote the bible through people like moses, and he would have used terms we can understand such as days, meaning a twentyfour hour period of time. He wouldn't have said day if it had actually been a millenium. Also, about that whole "chance miracle" thing, if I were to sit all of the ingredients for cookies out on the counter and waited for a couple of days, a "chance miracle" wouldn't have happened and I wake up one day and "bam" there's cookies. Look at how complicated our inner workings are. If you agree that my cookie example could never happen, how can you possibly believe that our brains and hearts and lungs and all of the other things in our body just  "happened?" Also, there are scientists out there who have found a ton of evidence supporting creation. You just have to look a little harder for it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Universe is created with Big Bang. It took long time to create earth out of the thrown out materials from the Bang through the formation of Sun.  Once Earth continued churning around it's vertical axis and rotating around Sun under gravitational force, the cycle of day and night began. There may not the seasons in the begining but due to the momentum of the gasous materials moving along with outer surface turned the Earth 23 degree off the true vertical direction.  This created cycles of seasons and then condensation process continues till the water was produced and land mass erupted out of water level.

Life began with chemical reactions among abundant components like carbon, hydrogen, oxygen etc.  As given above molecule of first amino acid generated would have become active and multiplication started till single cell living body was borne. That was thirst ancester of all the living spices.  After over a billion years there is multi cell self actuating, maintaining and reproducing human being through evolution of infinite successice stages.  I believe GOD has came into picture only after human could learn thinking and establishing colonies of settlements.

Perhaps, India is the first to establish entity of GOD on the Earth for peaceful growth and development of society. That is why India is oldest cultured society.
Sharon Profile
Sharon answered
According to the information we have in the Holy Bible, The earth already was, but it was void until He worked with it. If we believe he is creator of all, I suppose I would have to say, it is not clear to me, but God did it and never worked with it until the beginning as we know it.
Lisa Marie Halsey Muniz Profile
In the bible god created the world and everything in 6 days and on the 7th day he rested.  I think it depends on ones religious beliefs well a lot has to do with that and scientific analogy.  I have heard of a big bang.  I have also heard we came from monkeys.  I would go back to where the human race started back to when god put adam and eve on earth and then everything multiplied in time.  But those who don't believe in god, I wonder what they believe on how we got here.  If you get a answer regarding that send me a shout I am interested in hearing about how they think.  Great question, what do you think???
thanked the writer.
Ace anonymous
Ace anonymous commented
In the Bible it says that he created it in 6 days and 7 nights, but how do we know that this is in "human days" (i.e. What seems like a day to us). Scientist have proven that the earth was formed over a period of billions of years, but who is to say that to god this was only 6 days and 7 nights?
Anonymous commented
Hi, I am not a theologian but my father spoke Greek and Hebrew--he was a country preacher. Not a hell fire and damnation type of preacher, he didn't prance around the platfor, he had bible verses to follow up everything we see.
We know at one time dinasours lived in our North America, because about 1 year ago, archeologists found a fully in place, dinasour skeleten. God said in Genesis, he created earth. He was happy. Then he decided there should be a difference between dark and light. So, he created the sun and the moon. He also said there should be separations, of water and of land. So, he made the seas. He created Adam, but saw that he was lonely. So, he put Adam to sleep, took a rib from his body, not from his foot, so she could walk over him, and not from his head, so she could think on her own. But from the middle part of his body so they would be equal. Eve (or Lileth, as some believe) is the reason all women suffer during childbirth, have our monthlys and dance backwards.
Remember this: Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astair did, only backwards! I want to know about the rapture, if we go to heaven immediately when we die, does our spirt go with God or do we lie dormant? In Romans 8, it says our spirt is always "with God." But, it also says that when Christ comes back, the dead, in Christ, (which means people that believed The Word,) will rise from their graves and ascend into Heaven with Jesus. By the way, that is the reason, Christian or not, that we are buried so that if we rose, we would face the east. I don't profess to be a scholor. I think when John of Patmos, Jesus' closest friend, he used so much symbolism that my father said if someone thinks they can explain the 7 headed swordsmen and the 7 headed beasts, are all symbolic.
Anonymous commented
Hi, I am not a theologian but my father spoke Greek and Hebrew--he was a country preacher. Not a hell fire and damnation type of preacher, he didn't prance around the platfor, he had bible verses to follow up everything we see.
We know at one time dinasours lived in our North America, because about 1 year ago, archeologists found a fully in place, dinasour skeleten. God said in Genesis, he created earth. He was happy. Then he decided there should be a difference between dark and light. So, he created the sun and the moon. He also said there should be separations, of water and of land. So, he made the seas. He created Adam, but saw that he was lonely. So, he put Adam to sleep, took a rib from his body, not from his foot, so she could walk over him, and not from his head, so she could think on her own. But from the middle part of his body so they would be equal. Eve (or Lileth, as some believe) is the reason all women suffer during childbirth, have our monthlys and dance backwards.
Remember this: Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astair did, only backwards! I want to know about the rapture, if we go to heaven immediately when we die, does our spirt go with God or do we lie dormant? In Romans 8, it says our spirt is always "with God." But, it also says that when Christ comes back, the dead, in Christ, (which means people that believed The Word,) will rise from their graves and ascend into Heaven with Jesus. By the way, that is the reason, Christian or not, that we are buried so that if we rose, we would face the east. I don't profess to be a scholor. I think when John of Patmos, Jesus' closest friend, he used so much symbolism that my father said if someone thinks they can explain the 7 headed swordsmen and the 7 headed beasts, are all symbolic.
John Profile
John answered
And God said let there be others words God spoke it into being and created it all including just can't explain it ..they can theorize till the cows come home but never give a absolute for it...besides I ask myself this question who would I rather believe man who can't even have piece among themselves or God the creator...quite a simple choice...don't you think?
isabelle lundstrom Profile
I think it doesn't matter what happened as long as God is in charge. There isn't really proof for any of the theories, but I'm satisfied knowing that God did what he says he did, however he did it.
Brian Reed Profile
Brian Reed answered
I believe also in the scientific explanation to the origin of life. There are just too many things that point to evolution and the stronger will survive. We developed brains by some chance miracle so we stuck around for awhile far anyway. I think all life on earth evolved from some primeval cocktail that by chance was mixed in the right proportions to create life as we know it on earth. I am keeping an open mind to the Spiritual explanations of the origins of life , as neither has been proven or disproven. I still lean toward dawinism though.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My son believes it was from an asteroid that hit the earth which contained certain single celled organisms.

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