
How Many Protons, Electrons And Neutrons In Benzene?


1 Answers

amber Jhon Profile
amber Jhon answered
The molecular formula of benzene is C6H6. Benzene is a hydrocarbon because it has hydrogen and carbon. The numbers of protons, electrons and neutrons in a benzene molecule are;

number of protons in carbon= 6

number of protons in hydrogen= 1

number of protons in C6H6= 6*6 + 6*1

number of protons in C6H6=42

number of electrons in carbon= 6

number of electrons in hydrogen= 1

number of electrons in C6H6= 6*6 + 6*1

number of electrons in C6H6= 42

number of neutrons in carbon= 6

number of neutrons in hydrogen= 0

number of neutrons in C6H6= 6*6 + 0*6

number of neutrons in C6H6= 36

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