Racial classification is the root of racism. Just as a weed will grow back if you do not kill the root, you will not end racism so long as racial classification exists. The moment you pigeonhole people into various groups, you have created an US vs THEM mentality which will manifest itself from time to time in feelings of superiority or inferiority. One group will begin to look after the interests of their group over the interests of humanity as a whole.
It is a shame, especially when you consider that racial classification is bogus to begin with. Black, White, etc, are all totally bogus classifications. For instance, while a Moroccan would typically be classified as black, and a Spaniard would be classified as white, that spaniard likely has greater genetic similarity to a Morrocan than he does with a Pole, who is also classified as white. An Egyptian has more in common, genetically, with a German than they have with a South African, due to the fact that geographic proximity makes it more likely that at some time in the past there was some genetic mixing. There are, and can be, no clear-cut lines dividing races.
Such classifications were invented by people who wanted to justify their ill treatment of others. In order for people of good conscience to oppress or subjugate another group, they must find a rationale which allows them to be convinced that the oppressed group is less than themselves and thus worthy of oppression. When people perpetuate the concept of racial classification, they are perpetuating racism. Racial classification was created by people of evil intent, and one cannot do good works using the tools of evil. Ironically, some of the worst perpetrators of racism are those who are opposed to racism. I am not just talking about the obviously race baiting leaders of various movements, but the rank and file of their followers as well. If you classify someone by race, you are a racist.
I fight it by working to stamp out the very notion of racial classification wherever possible. When I fill out some government form which asks my race, I put a check mark in the box that says "Other" and write in HUMAN.
It is a shame, especially when you consider that racial classification is bogus to begin with. Black, White, etc, are all totally bogus classifications. For instance, while a Moroccan would typically be classified as black, and a Spaniard would be classified as white, that spaniard likely has greater genetic similarity to a Morrocan than he does with a Pole, who is also classified as white. An Egyptian has more in common, genetically, with a German than they have with a South African, due to the fact that geographic proximity makes it more likely that at some time in the past there was some genetic mixing. There are, and can be, no clear-cut lines dividing races.
Such classifications were invented by people who wanted to justify their ill treatment of others. In order for people of good conscience to oppress or subjugate another group, they must find a rationale which allows them to be convinced that the oppressed group is less than themselves and thus worthy of oppression. When people perpetuate the concept of racial classification, they are perpetuating racism. Racial classification was created by people of evil intent, and one cannot do good works using the tools of evil. Ironically, some of the worst perpetrators of racism are those who are opposed to racism. I am not just talking about the obviously race baiting leaders of various movements, but the rank and file of their followers as well. If you classify someone by race, you are a racist.
I fight it by working to stamp out the very notion of racial classification wherever possible. When I fill out some government form which asks my race, I put a check mark in the box that says "Other" and write in HUMAN.