How Many Neutrons Does A Potassium Atom Have?


1 Answers

Mark Mottian Profile
Mark Mottian answered
How many neutrons does potassium have?

We can calculate how many neutrons potassium has by looking at the following information:

  • Atomic mass = number of protons + number of neutrons.
  • Atomic number = number of protons.
We know that potassium has an atomic number of 19 and an atomic mass of 39.0983 amu. By plugging in these values, we can therefore deduce that:

  • Atomic Number (19) = 19 Protons
  • Atomic Number (39.0983) = 19 Protons + Number of Neutrons
  • Number of Neutrons = 39.0983 - 19 = 20.0983 ≈ 20
In essence, potassium has 20 neutrons.

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