
What is one environmental advantage to turning off electrical appliances when they are not being used?


3 Answers

Mike J Profile
Mike J answered

You're using less electricity, and you're saving a huge amount on energy doing so. Whenever you aren't using something that contains electricity (television, lights, etc.), make sure you turn it off. If everyone could do this a lot of energy around the world could be saved. The less energy you use, the less polluted the air will be.

James Dean Profile
James Dean answered

Yes, a lot of electricity is used up needlessly because people leave appliances plugged in.

It's not good for the bills, it's not good for the environment, it's not even good for your appliances... Phones and laptops that are left on charge constantly always have a shorter life span.

Chamith weerasingha Profile

I think turning off electrical appliances is a good habit because the electrical appliances produces harmful gasses and it affects the ozone layer. (Harmful gasses-carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide etc...)

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