
Do Boys Have Faster Reflexes Than Girls?


23 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
According to experimental lab studies conducted at our high school, the answer to that is yes. Women were recorded with having an average response time of 0.21 seconds, while men had an average of 0.18 seconds.
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Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It's untrue!!
I've tested it

It's really social reasons when men are boys. Boys are encouraged to play video games(hand eye coordination) and sports. Which has an impact on their reflexes. Plus when they grow up lots join the army, which requires very alert minds.  While when women are young, they play passive games such as house and don't really have very fast reflexes. Girls who do play sports have heightened senses.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

It depends on that person or what she/he does for a living or just for fun. For example if you play a certain sport, you might have faster reflexes. Same if you have to be alert and flexible at work.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
According to NASA research; in general girls and women tend to have faster reflexes, greater tolerance for increased G forces and a much higher pain threshold than men do.
thanked the writer.
Jan Marsh
Jan Marsh commented
Uh, NASA? No, males have faster reflexes because they have more fast-twitch muscles.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What makes you say that?I have a 10yr old niece that can catch a spoon before it hits the floor with her 12yr old brother trying,and he plays basketball,and still can't catch the spoon before she can.


Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Girls have faster reflexes than guys cause they are more sensitive that means that there nerves work faster
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
According to a study in america of 8000 males and females, ranging in age from 2 to 90, girls have a faster reaction time, particularly amongst teenagers and pre-teens.
demi daccer Profile
demi daccer answered
No its the other way, female brain is more alert, and god made it that way so we can predict danger and protect our families.
thanked the writer.
Jan Marsh
Jan Marsh commented
No, the female brain is more fearful, not necessarily more alert. Also, men are the protectors. If women had that role, our species would've died out a long time ago.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think the one that has more faster reflexes is both because not every one can do almost the same thing
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Neither boys or girls have faster reflexes because they each have the speed to what they're about to do and what their brain tells them to do.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I think that it doesnt depend on wether your dealing with a boy or girl, i think it depends on the age of the person or how that person's brain works
A.j. Cericos Profile
A.j. Cericos answered
Hi I am doing a science experiment and I need to know WHY girls/boys have a faster reflex thank you

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