Who Invented The First Tractor?


11 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The first powered farm implements came into play in the early 19th century.   In 1892, John Froelich invented and built the first gasoline or petrol-powered tractor in Clayton County, Iowa.  Shortly thereafter, he received a patent and started the Waterloo Gasoline Engine Company.  Froelich invested all of his assets and by 1895, where all lost and his business destined to become a failure. 

The term tractor can be used to refer to farm machinery used to plow and till fields as well as haul or pull large loads.  Tractor is also a reference to an 18 wheeler’s engine and cab.  For our reference purposes, a tractor is a vehicle specifically designed to deliver a high tractate effort (or torque) at slow speeds, for the purposes of hauling a trailer or machinery used in agriculture or construction.

Farm tractors have plowed the way for many achievements and advancements in the daily operations of a farm.  Farmers no longer are dependent upon livestock to plow their fields which minimize the costs of animal upkeep but add the concern over rising costs.  For smaller farms, returning t old fashioned plowing and planting techniques is the only solution to excessive cost of fuel to operate the machines. 

The farm tractor is used for pulling or pushing agricultural machinery or trailers, for plowing, tilling, disking, harrowing, planting, and similar tasks.  A farm tractor can also be used to power a pump for irrigating a plot of land

Many specialty farm tractors have been developed for specific uses. These include "row crop” tractors that have adjustable tread widths allowing the tractor to maneuver through rows of corn, tomatoes or other crops without hurting the plants.  "Wheatland” or "standard” tractors have non-adjustable fixed wheels and lower centers of gravity for plowing and other heavy field work.  Broadcast crop and "high crop” tractors also have adjustable treads and increased ground clearance is used in cultivation of cotton and other high-yield row crop plant operations.  "Utility tractors", are smaller tractors with a low center of gravity and short turning radius, they are used for general purposes around farms and other industrial sites.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
John Froelich invented the first tractor and it was used for hauling things from place to place until he came up with the idea to use it for farming. It was a steam powered tractor used for farming and hauling.
Julii Brainard Profile
Julii Brainard answered
Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, in 1902.

Okay, so actually there were some agricultural motor-vehicles designed and built before 1902, but the "Ivel Agricultural Motor" (as it was first called, having been built next to the River Ivel) was the first practical design to be operationalised. The inventor was Daniel Albone.

The problem with previous designs was that they were often too heavy, especially for the sandy light soil around Biggleswade. Albone's machine was meant to be lightweight and yet really versatile, to be used for ploughing, harvesting, towing, etc. Most of the world's tractors built today incorporate Albone's original ideas for tractor design.

Albone worked on his idea for about 5 years before he produced a functional model. The first fields in the world to be ploughed by tractor are at Old Warden, about 3 miles from Albone's workshop.

Dan Albone also is credited with inventing the Ladies' Bicycle, the first functional tandem bicycle, an early motorcycle and his own kind of motorcar.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Nicholas cugnot  invented the first tractor in 1892 in south dakota because he didn't want to push around a plow all day
Evelyn Vaz Profile
Evelyn Vaz answered
A tractor better known as the gasoline-engine farm was believed to have been invented in the year 1769. This tractor was built by a Frenchman, Nicholas Cugnot. He certainly built a three wheeler on road means of transportation, which was power-driven by a "steam traction engine." But this was better known to people as the first road means of transportation than a tractor. Another tractor known as a steam tractor was built again by Cugnot. But this tractor instead of being used in agriculture it was used to haul cannons. This tractor also came later in the same year of 1769.

However, some sources claim that the first record of a successful gasoline-engine tractor was in 1892.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Go ask you mum. I'm not a boffin so leave me alone and get a life :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know but I know who invented the steele plow, of course that would be John Deere! Who else?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You're all Wrong. The first tractor was invented in Italy, Carazzo was the mans name and his family still build tractors to this day.

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