Yes it does. As a matter of fact the darker your eye color the better off your peripheral vision this is because when your eye is darker the pupil opens wider allowing more light to come in and in turn the wider the range of your peripheral vision. But the lighter your eye color the smaller the pupil to allow light to penetrate and the smaller the range of your peripheral vision
Yes it does..for all who are wondering. People with lighter eyes have less pigmentation, the less pigmentation in your eyes, the more prone you are to damage for your eyes in the sunlight. Thus, your pupil tends to not open as much to not let as much sunlight in to protect your eyes. So people with darker eyes have more pigmentation, having more protection agaisnt those somewhat harmful sun rays, causing their pupils to widen more in the light, since their eyes are more protected. Therefore, being able to see more around them...which means they have larger peripheral vision. Basically, people with darker eyes have more peripheral vision than those with lighter eyes.....not stereotyping at all.
Yes. Blue and green eyed people are more sensitive to sunlight or bright lights than darker eyed people. As for 20/20 vision, I don't think so. I think that has to do with the way your eyeballs are shaped and what strain they are under.
I totally know that. People with dark eyes will have better peripheral vision.people with dark eyes tend to have bigger pupils,which lets in more sunlight.since they have bigger pupils,they have a wider range of peripheral vision.
That doesnt make sense!
My friend and I did a science fair project, on peripheral vision, and the blue-eyed boys had better peripheral vision when compared to the other groups of colour!
Also I think 20/20 vision may affect you vision...look it up it's interesting!
My friend and I did a science fair project, on peripheral vision, and the blue-eyed boys had better peripheral vision when compared to the other groups of colour!
Also I think 20/20 vision may affect you vision...look it up it's interesting!
Yes, they do because peoples with lighter eyes have fewer pigments and are very sensitive to the sun so peoples with lighter eyes should wear sunglasses to prevent them from having sun damage on their eyes.
Also, near total, or complete lack of pigment, as in albinos affects vision seriously.
You will notice that the usual eye colour for people from mostly sunny climates tends to be dark brown - that supports what soconfused says.
You will notice that the usual eye colour for people from mostly sunny climates tends to be dark brown - that supports what soconfused says.
Darker eye colors (such as brown) seem to be less sensitive to the light and more sensitive to the dark. The lighter colors on the other hand (such as blue) are the opposite. I preformed several tests and came to the conclusions that lighter eye colors (blue) see better in the dark, and darker eye colors (brown) in the light. This is due to the pigments in the eye.
Actually, no. Lighter eye color may allow for greater sun damage to the eye. But the pigment of the eye has no impact on sight, since it's the iris that has the pigment, which surrounds the hole through which the light passes to hit the rods and cones that actually are the receptors involved in sight.
Yes. Because of different pigments
I'm no expert, however, I did read that those with blue eyes are more sensitive to sunlight than a person with brown or hazel eyes.
I think that sunlight does affect peoples vision because I have hazel color eyes, and everytime I go out in the sunlight, I tend to become very dizzy, unless I don't wear sunglasses.
Bump old post. I'm doing coursework on eyes , wouldnt lighter eyes have advantage in vision in dim light to allow more light in?
I did a science project on this subject. I was wondering if eye color had an effect on how you see color in low light. Contrary to popular belief, eye color does matter - brown eyed subjects see much worse than lighter eyed people.
Yes, because there are less eye ligaments in for example blue eyes so you can't see as well
Well the reflection of light from the iris could effect sight, with such close contact and the obvious change in light absorption with lighter eyes it probably does help the slightest bit as it is meant to control how much light passes into your pupil. Nothing to do with the more effected to cancer the eyes are and this is still most likely a correlation varied to people because of other effects.
No they don't have any effect on the vision and it has been proven also. See here for more information:
No, eye colour does noy effect your vison. But if you are wearing coloured lenses than it might effect your vison.
I have dark blue, sometimes green eyes and I LOVE going out on the sun because I see better, my oculist says that everybody with "not-dark" eyes have weaker eye, like -0.25 myopia. Of course I don't need any glasses to see, I still see everything clear at a sunny day but my vision goes bad after the sun goes down and at night. When I say bad I don't mean I can't see anything, you can see good but not as good as I see when it's sunny. Although I see every letter on the oculist's chart where he tests your vision, still, I see better at -0.50 glasses but I don't need them. I can see what color is a car driving at 1.5 Kilometers distance when sunny or white cloudy.
YEA I forgot to say when a baby is born his/her eyes are blue, on the first 2 - 3 days, then it turns dark brown or stays blue, depends on genetics, this means that something is developing in the pupil that makes it dark brown, which light eye colored people don't have developed because of their genetics.
Hope this helps
-- George from Georgia
YEA I forgot to say when a baby is born his/her eyes are blue, on the first 2 - 3 days, then it turns dark brown or stays blue, depends on genetics, this means that something is developing in the pupil that makes it dark brown, which light eye colored people don't have developed because of their genetics.
Hope this helps
-- George from Georgia
In one sense, it is said that people with lighter colored eyes suffer from the brightness more than a person with darker eyes. I stick my face into the sunlight, having brown color whereas, my husband with blue color, gets headaches from the sunlight. Hope this helps in at least a little way.
This is tricky business everybody.
No eye color does not affect your vision my eyes are hazel and I see fine people say that people with hazel eyes have bad eyesight
I don't know for sure, but I'd think that light eyes like blue would be more sensitive to the light and wheras darker colors like brown would be better off, no offense
You it does
I need help on how to test the hypothesis
My son is doing his science project on this and how in the world do you record your testing results? Please help us! This is due on feb 8th
Thanks so much dude