
Why Does Color Affect Taste?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes because people are used to seeing one color as a food. For example, when people see red, they assume cherry or strawberry flavor. When they see yellow, they assume lemon flavor. Their mind is set on a flavor of what they expect it to be. So when they taste the food, they are unsure of what to think . So they just go with the food in accordance to the color.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, it does because if you get something like orange steak and purple fries and put it under colored lights to make it look normal people would  think it would taste fine. But if you use normal lights then people would see the oddly colored food and would more than likely get really sick.You probably would to wouldn't you?
helen baillie-gutteridge Profile
Colour should have no effect on actual food taste.  BUT it may have an effect on your perception of taste, as we have certain expectations of the colour foods should have when they are fit to eat.
Would you want to eat green meat for example?  Or would your eyes be telling you that it must be rotten?  You could set up some interesting experiments to test this, couldn't you?
Science fair material, anyone?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey! WEll your question is does food effect taste and choice? Of course it does! For example if you have a red strawberry, and you changed it to a yellow strawberry, it would taste differently due to the artificial flavour and how the yellow color was produced the strawberry would probably taste weirder and sour! Hope this answer helps!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Sometimes its better to observe the answer to your own question. Hot dogs are generally dyed with a red dye. Try this experiment. Use green food coloring (the type in supermarkets for cake frosting) and buy some Kosher hot dogs(usually look white or gray in color). Soak them in the green food coloring and serve them up. You will be surprised at the reactions you get! People do not like green meat. This is probably because meat that is in the process of decay can take on a greenish hue and on some level we react to this. What makes this interesting is that the hot dogs are essentially the same as the red dyed one that people eat all the time. What a difference a little color makes. This may not answer your question but it may give you some new ones.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes because if you look at it and don't like the color you wont eat it
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I need to find  where I can get this,does color have effect on a person food choice

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