What Is Poop Made Of?


26 Answers

James Milford Profile
James Milford answered

Poop, also known as faeces is 75% water, while the remaining 25% is dead bacteria and indigestible food, such as fibre which is used to help the transport of the faeces through the intestine.

In humans, defecation occurs, depending on the individual and the circumstances, from once every two or three days to several times in a day. Extensive hardening of the feces may cause prolonged interruption in the routine and is called constipation.

Human fecal matter varies significantly in appearance, depending on diet and health. Normally it is semi-solid, with a mucus coating. Its brown coloration comes from a combination of bile and bilirbun, which comes from dead red blood cells.

In newborn babies, fecal matter is initially yellow or green after the meconium. This coloration comes from the presence of bile alone. In time, as the body starts expelling bilirubin from dead red blood cells, it acquires its familiar brown appearance, unless the baby is breast feeding, in which case it remains soft, pale yellowish, and not completely malodorous until the baby begins to eat significant amounts of other food.

Throughout the life of an ordinary human, a person may experience many types of faeces. A green stool is from a rapid transit of feces through the intestines and a clay-like appearance to the faeces is the result of a lack of bilirubin.

Food may sometimes make an appearance in the faeces. Common undigested foods found in human faeces are seeds, nuts, corn and beans, mainly because of their high dietary fiber content. Beets may turn faeces different shades of red. Artificial food colouring in some processed foods such as highly colorful packaged breakfast cereals can also cause unusual faeces coloring if eaten in sufficient quantities.

Human faeces along with other animal faeces may be used as a fertilizer in the form of biosolids, manure and guano. Some animal faeces especially those of camels, bison and cattle are used as fuel when dried out.

Zachary Craft Profile
Zachary Craft answered
Poop is mostly made up of water, some 75% of it. The remaining 25% is dead bacteria (used to digest food) and indigestible food (fiber used to help the poop travel). As the poop travels through the intestine, the water in it is absorbed. So the longer a poop is in the intestines, the more desert-like it'll be.

Poops smell because of chemicals produced by the bacteria in the poop like indole, skatole and mercetapatans. Poop is brown because of the iron present. Sometimes, poop is green, which can be for a variety of reasons, including diet or infection.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I have heard of some people eating 'poop',don't know if there's any substance to the stories but it sure don't sound healthy 'coz if it was meant to be eaten,then it wouldn't be rejected 'expelled' by the body then ''eh?'',mad one though...
Anonymous commented
MANC_DAVE... Your a bright one.. But I'm sure there are people that do eat poop. Strange fetish//
Anonymous commented
Wow lil dude!\i didn't know that about my fat turds!
Well i am on the can so biiii!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Poop is made 75% water out of water.It also has things we need to get out of our bodys for example food
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No one ever eat poop ok it's dirty pointless and stupid poop is made of the food you eat same goes with animals
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Poop is made of 75% water and the food you digest.  And that my friend comes out your butt.  I also think my Dad's poop smells like Pooo!  My lil' sisters poop is really little...  My poop is HUGE like my Daddy!  My mommy's poop is cute and odorless!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Poop is made of all the things you.Poop is also made of gases.Poop of coarse has the of well... Fart.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Poop is made of the things that you have ate in the past couple hours!!!!
I am on the toilet right now and I see some of last nights spaghetti!
Bye bye peace out freaky bro!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Poop is made from food and liquid like candy,peanuts,water,juice,and fruit water.  Some of my friends eat poop and it is nasty!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Poop is made of water and chemicals in fact dead chemicals in fact  dead bacteria
thank you good nite I'll be here all week poop is awesome
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Poop is made of the essence of the prophet mohammed, and terrorists look like poop from a helicopter, poop in turbans.

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