
What Is The Normal Temperature For Humans?


16 Answers

Kath Senior Profile
Kath Senior answered
Normal body temperature for human beings is around 37 degrees Celsius. Like all other mammals and animals that are warm blooded, humans regulate their core body temperature no matter what the external temperature.

They use various mechanisms to do this. Some are behavioural – putting extra clothes on when the weather gets cold and wearing fewer clothes when the weather is very hot. Others are physiological.

When body temperature starts to fall, blood vessels in the skin start to retract, burying themselves deeper beneath the skin and the layer of insulating fat that lies just beneath it. This cuts down the amount of heat that is lost through the skin and helps the body temperature to rise back to normal as heat is produced in the cells and the liver as a biproduct of metabolic reactions.

When body temperature starts to rise, even by a fraction of a degree, the opposite happens. Blood vessels in the skin start to come closer to the surface so that more heat can be lost. More sweat is also produced and, as this evaporates from the skin, the cooling effect helps to lower body temperature back to normal.
Steve Theunissen Profile
It is of interest that, even though the environment may vary as much as two hundred degrees, yet 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is ordinarily considered "normal" temperature. Such things as race, diet, climate and sex have very little bearing on one's temperature; still there are other factors that do cause variations. For example, one's temperature varies throughout the day. It is the lowest between three and six o'clock in the morning and the highest between four and five o'clock in the afternoon. Then again, the temperature varies in different parts of the body. The rectal temperature is one degree higher than that of the mouth; the hands and feet are lower in temperature and the tips of the nose and ears have the lowest temperature.

Such things as exercise or emotional upsets will raise the body's temperature. But such a condition could not be a true fever, for the body returns to its normal temperature as soon as exercise stops, no pyrogen having acted upon the hypothalamus.

So it follows that anything between 97 degrees and 100 degrees Fahrenheit may be normal and that even 101 degrees for children may be simply due to exercise or emotional upset. For children a high fever usually is from 103 degrees to 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and anything above is usually considered dangerous. The highest fever from which a person recovered without brain damage was reportedly 114.8 degrees Fahrenheit.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Each individual is different.  Range between 97-99
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Most people think of a "normal" body temperature as an oral temperature of 98.6F. This is an average of normal body temperatures. Your temperature may actually be 1°F (0.6°C) or more above or below 98.6F. Also, your normal body temperature changes by as much as 1°F (0.6°C) throughout the day, depending on how active you are and the time of day. Body temperature is very sensitive to hormone levels and may be higher or lower when a woman is ovulating or having her menstrual period.
A ear (tympanic membrane) temperature reading is 0.5 to 1°F (0.3 to 0.6°C) higher than an oral temperature reading. A temperature taken in the armpit is 0.5 to 1°F (0.3 to 0.6°C) lower than an oral temperature reading.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
37 degree Celsius
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The normal temperature for humans is 36.4 degrees Celsius or 97 degrees fahrenheit.

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