An organ is a structure of the body that carries out a specific function. Examples of organs include the heart, the lungs, the eye and the ear.
The cells and tissues in an organ all work together and contribute a role to the overall function of the organ itself. The heart consists of muscle tissue, connective tissue, blood and nervous tissue. These all work together to form a living pump. The nervous tissue controls the speed and strength at which the pump works, the fluid connective tissue, the blood, is the liquid that is pumped, the muscle forms the structure of the heart chambers and the strength to contract and pump the blood and the connective tissue holds everything together.
The eye also contains the various different types of tissue. The optic nerve is formed from nervous tissue, the iris contains muscular tissue and the blood vessels, eye ball and capsule around the lens is formed from epithelial tissue. The whole eye is held together by the stiff white structure called the sclera ~ which is almost all connective tissue.
The cells and tissues in an organ all work together and contribute a role to the overall function of the organ itself. The heart consists of muscle tissue, connective tissue, blood and nervous tissue. These all work together to form a living pump. The nervous tissue controls the speed and strength at which the pump works, the fluid connective tissue, the blood, is the liquid that is pumped, the muscle forms the structure of the heart chambers and the strength to contract and pump the blood and the connective tissue holds everything together.
The eye also contains the various different types of tissue. The optic nerve is formed from nervous tissue, the iris contains muscular tissue and the blood vessels, eye ball and capsule around the lens is formed from epithelial tissue. The whole eye is held together by the stiff white structure called the sclera ~ which is almost all connective tissue.