
What Are Groups ? And What Are The Importance Of Groups?


4 Answers

Kristine Marjorie Escolano Profile
A group consist of its members which interacts and have the same aim.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A group is considered as a set of two and more interacting individuals to achieve certain goals and meet certain needs.
Nouman Umar Profile
Nouman Umar answered
Two or more person combine to make a group they are agreeing on the same consensus and some commonality between them. The group is the basic unit of the society in many countries. The status of the person is associated with the performance of the group of the society from which he belongs. In many culture the stress is on the collectivism and groups while in the western countries there is a concept of individualism. The group has importance not only in the business but in the social life. In some sects there are strong unions of groups. The people who belong from one group respect each other, share grieves and joys among other members of the groups.

Some people have the more attachment with the group in term of emotions. The advantage of the groups is that it gives the person strong identification in a groups and the person is helped in every crises. In organizations the most of the work is done into the groups so that the work can be done in a good way and time completion of the work can be possible. So in business productivity and efficiency the group has highly important role. So the formation of groups is very important.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Groups of 2 or more individuals can combine the talents and skills and drives of its members to cooperate against life forces to improve society and the higher functioning of the species.

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