HMm.. . Being a guy I can give you a perfect answer, that guy is interested in you the reasons are so solid if a guy wants to flirt he never mingles with your family as he wont care of them, but a guy who wants you, needs you n loves you would always want … Read more
You cannot change him as nature goes with you for your lifetime, but you can control it.
If he really loves you, then you are the only person who can control him.
Use his love, not negatively but positively - if he's angry with you then maybe you are doing something which he doesn't like.
Atomic Number: 2
Symbol: He
Atomic Weight: 4.00260
Discovery: Janssen, 1868, some sources say Sir William Ramsey, Nils Langet, P.T. Cleve 1895
Electron Configuration: 1s2
Word Origin: Greek: Helios, sun. Helium was first detected as a new spectral line during a solar eclipse.
Isotopes: 7 isotopes of helium are known.
Properties: Helium is a … Read more
The word ' Summer ' in French is ' Eté ', which is pronounced as 'etae'.