
Does Sugar Water Make Plants Grow Faster Than Plain Water?


12 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm doing this 4 a project and I THINK it will grow faster with suger water because in the chloroplasts in the leaves absorb the sunlight to create a suger glucose and will make the process faster by a lready having an amount of suger takin within it but the regular water is still the best but mabye slower?

P.s I'm only 12 so I don't know much :P

~love Momo
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well it depends. I'm doing a 5 week experiment about this. So far the regular water is growing better than the sugar water. I also added a third test which is pop. It's actually grown which surprised me because pop has chemicals in it. Anyway I would say regular water works better.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Umm I think it wouldn't grow faster at all I think it would grow a lot slower
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Does sugar water make plants grow faster than plain water?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No it doesnt
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think water with Sugar grows faster cause it has more schlemiels than the water with out sugar
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi momo,

I am 12 too. I am doing this for my science project, I think that reg. Water would works better.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes because sugar water has chemicals in it and plain water doesn't. So, yes sugar water makes plants grow faster.

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