What Are The Methods Of Shaping Behavior?


5 Answers

Syed Rizwan Ali Shah Hamdani Profile
Methods of Shaping Behavior:

According to operant conditioning, both good and bad behaviors are controlled by reinforced consequences. Identifying behavioral reinforces and removing them can decrease a behavior. An undesired behavior without reinforcement can diminish until it no longer occurs. This process is called extinction.

Extinction can modify the behavior of a worker who spends much time talking or telling jokes. The attention of coworkers reinforces this behavior. If coworkers stop talking and laughing, the worker is likely to stop telling jokes. Although extinction is useful, it takes time to eliminate the undesired behavior. When behaviors need to stop immediately, managers may resort to punishment.


Punishment consists of administering a negative consequence when the undesired behavior occurs. Punishment is not the same as negative reinforcement. It decreases a behavior, whereas negative reinforcement increases the frequency of a behavior. Punishment administers a negative consequence, whereas negative reinforcement removes a negative consequence.


Reinforcement is the process that increases the probability that desired behaviors occur by applying consequences. Managers use reinforcement to increase the likelihood of higher sales, better attendance, or observing safety procedures.

Reinforcement begins by selecting a behavior to be encouraged. Correctly identifying the behavior is important, or reinforcement will not lead to the desired response. A manager must decide if attendance at meetings is the desired behavior or attendance and participation. The manager would need to reinforce both behaviors if both are desired.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
At first I shall define shaping behavior.Teach the employees to behave in a way that most benefit the organization.when we attempt to mold the employees by guiding their learning systematically, we are shaping behavior.A situation in which an employees behavior is significantly different from that sought by management and then management rewarded that employee only when he or she showed desirable response there may be a little reinforcement take place.In such a case shaping offers a logical approach towards achieving the desired behavior.
Simply we can say Shaping behavior is an aspect of behavior analysis that gradually teaches new behavior through the use of reinforcement until the target behavior is achieved .
Methods of shaping behavior:
There are four methods to shape the behavior.
1): Positive reinforcement:
A response with something pleasant.The boss who praises an employee for a job well done.
2): Negative reinforcement:
A response by the termination or with drawl of something unpleasant.If your college instructor asks a question and you don not know the answer, looking through your lecture notes is likely to preclude your being called on.this is negative reinforcement because you learned that looking busy with your notes prevents the instructor from calling you.
3): Punishment:
To eliminate undesireable behavior of a person that caused to an unpleasant condition.Giving an employee 2 days suspension from work without pay.
When the behavior is not reinforced then it becomes end.
College instructor who wish to discourage students fron asking quastions in class can eliminate this behavior by ignoring those students who raise hands to ask questions.Hand raising will become extinct.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Methods Of Shaping Behavior In Detail

1 . Explain managerial roles and managerial skills?

Management roles and skills.

Managerial Roles

According to Mintzberg (1973), managerial roles are as follows:

1. Informational roles

2. Decisional roles

3. Interpersonal roles

1. Informational roles: This involves the role of assimilating and disseminating information as and when required. Following are the main sub-roles, which managers often perform:

A. Monitor-collecting information from organizations, both from inside and outside of the organization.

B. Disseminator-communicating information to organizational members

c. Spokesperson-representing the organization to outsiders

2. Decisional roles: It involves decision making. Again, this role can be subdivided in to the following:

A. Entrepreneur-initiating new ideas to improve organizational performance

b. Disturbance handlers-taking corrective action to cope with adverse situation

c. Resource allocators-allocating
human, physical, and monetary resources

d. Negotiator - negotiating with trade unions, or any other stakeholders

3. Interpersonal roles : This role involves activities with people working in the organization. This

is supportive role for informational and decisional roles. Interpersonal roles can be categorized

under three subheadings:

A. Figurehead-Ceremonial and symbolic role

b. Leadership-leading organization in terms of recruiting, motivating etc.

C. Liaison-liasoning with external bodies and public relations activities.

Management Skills

Katz (1974) has identified three essential management skills:

1. Technical

2. Human

3. Conceptual

Technical skills: The ability is to apply specialized knowledge or expertise. All jobs require some specialized expertise, and many people develop their technical skills on the job. Vocational and on the job training programs can be used to develop this type of skill.

Human Skill : This is the ability to work with, understand and...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm doing an assignment and would like to refer to your article with regards to "What are the Methods for Shaping Behaviour?".

Would you please provide the Publication, year etc for referencing .

mayuri kannan Profile
mayuri kannan answered
1)don't hate anybody .
2)improve clean habits.
3)don't show your emotions all of in a sudden in your face.
4)develop your speaking skills.

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