
What Are Different Types Of Polymerization?


6 Answers

Syed Asim Profile
Syed Asim answered
Polymerization is a process in which small molecules called monomers combine together to form a large molecule called a polymer. The polymerization process has different types like addition polymerization, condensation polymerization, chain growth polymerization, emulsion polymerization, etc. Each type of polymerization has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Like addition polymerization is a type of polymerization in which the monomer molecules join together without any loss of a portion of the molecules the basic monomers keep repeating themselves. In condensation polymerization the monomer molecules do not retain themselves as such what normally happens is that a small portion of the monomer molecules is removed out of it. Since after the polymerization process overall size of the product is condensed that is why it is called condensation polymerization.

Another type of polymerization is free radical polymerization, in this type of polymerization radical forming agents decompose on heating into two radical each of which has an unpaired electron. When such a radical meets a monomer the double bond of the monomer is opened up and the radical combines with the monomer through covalent bond at one end leaving an unpaired electron at the other end. The resulting radical reacts with additional monomer molecules in a chain growth reaction until it is terminated by another radical or by an added terminator molecules in a chain termination reaction.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are two major types of Polymerization:

Addition polymerization: The monomer molecules simply add on to each other to form a long-chain polymer which is a multiple of the monomer.

Condensation polymerization: molecules of monomer polymerise and, at the same time, a small molecule (such as water, ammonia, carbon dioxide) is given off. Examples of this are nylon-66 and Terylene.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Addition and condensation polymers
saketa goyal Profile
saketa goyal answered
Addition and Condensation polymerisation
Novi Pamila Profile
Novi Pamila answered
Polymerization is a process in which small molecules called monomers combine together to form a large molecule called a polymer. The polymerization process has different types like addition polymerization, condensation polymerization, chain growth polymerization, emulsion polymerization, etc. Each type of polymerization has its own advantages and disadvantages

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