Communication can be done in different ways. Some of the ways are as follows:
1. By direct verbal method: This is a face to face communication in spoken words. It is the most interactive type of communication and can provide immediate feedback.
2. By indirect verbal method: In this method, an instrument is used to transmit messages, e.g. telephone, radio, television, etc.
3. By writing: This communication through written messages such as letter, fax, computer etc.
4. By grape–vine: This is an informal means of passing the news or rumors from person to person.
5. Paralanguage: It consists of the ways in which people verbalize. It affects and reinforces the verbal message being transmitted.
6. By non-verbal communication: In non verbal communication, also known as 'silent language', the people communicate with one other through body talk. They express their ideas by the use of signs, symbols, gestures, facial expressions and body movements.
7. Abstract communication: In abstract communication, the sender does not represent people or objects in a realistic way but expresses his own ideas and feelings about certain aspects. It takes the form of abstract pieces of art, etc. It is a less reliable indicator of the true feelings of an individual.