
What Is Vegas Vein?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think you mean vagus vein, not vegas vein.  A vagus vein would be a vein that is moderated, affected by or related to the vagus nerve or vagus nerve stimulation, which is the the only parasympathetic nerve in the  human body that begins at the brain stem and extends down the neck, through the chest, and down into the thorax, moderating autonomic functions like heart rate, perspiration, pupil dilation, etc.  The vagus nerve is responsible for innervating all major organs parasympathetically.  We might find vagus veins in the heart, lungs, stomach, neck, etc.
Lynn Perie Profile
Lynn Perie answered
Are you sure that 'Vegas Vein' is the correct spelling? I've checked my medical dictionary and there is no such medical term. Is there another medical term by which this is called? The closest I come to is the vagus nerve which services the structures of the chest, abdomen, head and neck.
Katy Low Profile
Katy Low answered
It takes blood from the heart to supply rest of body before vomiting CAUSING black outs
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My husband has just been told by his doctor that he detected a vague indication on his E.C.G that there is a chance that the vegas vein could be causing all these symptoms that he is suffering from....giddiness, depression, irritabilty,exhaustion,doom feelings. Symptoms that doctors usually give people anti-depressant...can you help?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You dummy, do you not even know how to spell for a question you need so badly that you type it into wiki, to find an answer that is probably wrong?! I don't care about the votes.Look at a real website lazy!

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