
Define The Habits And Habitat, Size And Shape Of Paramecium?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Paramecium is the most common cilimate found everywhere in fresh water ponds, ditches, streams, rivers, lakes and reservoirs
saima jabeen Profile
saima jabeen answered
Habits and habitat  Paramecium is the most common ciliate found everywhere in fresh water ponds, ditches, streams, rivers, lakes and reservoirs. It is especially abundant in Organic infusions i.e., in stagnant water containing decaying organic matter, feeding on bacteria and tiny protozoans that swarm in such water. Infect its habitat is very much similar to that of Amoeba and Euglena, so there may be in the same pond.    Size:  Paramecia are minute organisms just visible to the naked eye as elongated whitish or grayish spot when a test tub containing them is held between the eye and the light. There are 10 known species of paramecium. The largest species, P.caudatum, is 170 to290 microns P.aurellia, is 120 to 250 micron long while P.trichium measures only 60 micron in length.    Shape  Paramecium, unlike amoeba, has a permanent body shape. Under microscope it appears as cigar-shaped or slipper shaped animal.  Paramecium has a streamlines oblong body that appears roughly circular in cross section, with greatest diameter just behind the centre of the body. There is a distinct lower, ventral or oral surface, which is flattened, an upper, dorsal or aboral surface, which is more convex. Like Euglena it is usually swims with in front, this is the slender but rounded or blunt anterior end, representing the heel of a slipper.
Shumaela Rana Profile
Shumaela Rana answered
Paramecium is found in pools and ponds. It has slipper shaped body covered with cilia. Cilia are small hair like outgrowths originating from protoplasm. Their controlled lashing movement in water acts as Oars and help in swimming (locomotion) of the animal. Paramecium feeds on algae, bacteria and other small protozoan through an oral groove provided with cilia. Cilia pushed food inside the protoplasm through a canal called gullet making a food vacuole in the protoplasm.

Two contractile vacuoles are present at each end of the body for discharging of surplus water (Osmo regulation) paramecium posses two nuclei one large, mega or vegetative nucleus which controls all activities, other small, micro or reproductive nucleus which controls reproduction. Paramecium is unicellular but can respond to intensity like other multi cellular organisms. It can detect high intensity of light and move towards the area having low intensity of light. Paramecium belongs to phylum protozoa. Protozoan mostly lives in damp watery places. In damp places their habitat is mostly wet soil, decaying matter of animals and plants. Bodies of all protozoans are composed of one cell and thus microscopic and called unicellular. They are capable of performing life activities, for example; intake of food, respiration, reproduction etc.
maheen mirza Profile
maheen mirza answered
A paramecium is an unicellular organism.It is conical in shape ,lives in damp places and moves with the help of Pseudopodia i.e false feet. These are microscopic organisms and cannot be seen by the naked-eye. It belongs to the Phylum Protozoa.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Commonly found on Uranus

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