Chromatography is a way of separating out mixtures of chemicals. For example the dyes used to make up ink. Different dyes in ink will wash through paper at different rates. Some will stick to the paper and others will dissolve and travel through it quickly. There are 2 methods to try this out Method 1 is drop dots of ink onto filter paper and a wick is cut from the paper... To do this have a circle of filter paper and cut from the edge into the middle and then from the edge about 1 cm from where you already cut, into about 1 cm away from the first cut i.e 2 parallel cuts to make the cut part be bent down into a cup/tub of water. Make sure it can reach the water and then you will see it travel up the wick and it will wash the dyes through the paper
draw a line with pencil 2 cm from the bottom of a square piece of filter paper and mark dots 2 cm apart where you will put the spots of ink or whatever you are trying to test. Roll the sheet up and place it in a container with 1 cm of water in it. The water (solvent) will seep up the paper and carry the ink dyes with it. Each different dye will form a spot in a different place.
For example if you were to try this on a fountain pen ink cartridge you would see what colours were put together to make that colour ink. The different colours would separate out.
Hope this helps sorry it sounded so complicated.
draw a line with pencil 2 cm from the bottom of a square piece of filter paper and mark dots 2 cm apart where you will put the spots of ink or whatever you are trying to test. Roll the sheet up and place it in a container with 1 cm of water in it. The water (solvent) will seep up the paper and carry the ink dyes with it. Each different dye will form a spot in a different place.
For example if you were to try this on a fountain pen ink cartridge you would see what colours were put together to make that colour ink. The different colours would separate out.
Hope this helps sorry it sounded so complicated.