
Describe The Important And Harmful Effects Of Chemical Fertilizers? Please Also Discuss The Methods To Reduce These Effects.


22 Answers

Katie Harry Profile
Katie Harry answered
Memoona, sadly fertilizers have many harmful effects on humans and the environment. Did you know that only a small amount of the fertilizers applied to a field are actually taken up by the plants? The rest is washed off with rains or with excessive watering of the crop. The fertilizers are thus washed off and end up in water bodies like lakes. Since most fertilizers are quite rich in nitrogen, they cause spontaneous algae growth in lakes which can lead to the problem of eutrophication. This kills off aquatic life and thus, disrupts the aquatic ecosystem dynamics.
The fertilizer may also accumulate on the ground causing problems like water logging and salinity if not controlled.
Chemical fertilizers may also affect human health, especially if high concentrations of toxic substances found in them seep into the groundwater which may be used for drinking. These toxic metals also affect the liver and kidneys and are a cause of miscarriage in pregnant women. In very high amounts or due to chronic exposure, cancer may also develop. Thus, never forget to wash the fruits and vegetables from the market before you consume them.
Or, why not just switch to organic produce?

Shumaela Rana Profile
Shumaela Rana answered
Haphazard use if inorganic fertilizers can upset the stability of mineral ions in the soil. This continuous use for a long time can cause the wash away of top fertile soil. Moreover, these are very expensive; hence the inorganic fertilizers should only be used under the proper advice of expert.

Continuous and excessive use of chemical fertilizers leads to a loss of organic humus, a deterioration of the fertility of top soil and a decrease in the porosity. Consequently, the roots do not get oxygen and can not absorb the salts effectively. The unabsorbed nitrates are carried by rain water into rivers and lakes, where they accumulate and pose a threat to aquatic life. The top fertile soil gets destroyed thus exposing the soil to become dry and powdery which may be blown away by winds. Those barren lands can be ultimately converted into deserts. The excessive nitrates in the soil can raise the level of free nitrates in the food plants causing dangerous to people using them.

These problems can be reduced to some extent if such chemical fertilizers are used which are less soluble and release their nitrogen slowly into the soil, likewise the use of organic manure should be increased so that the amount of humus can be stored to keep the soil structure intact.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
uve given an amazin' answer totally useful for my exam.but one mistake i found was that in the 2nd paragraph last line uve written 'causing dangerous to people' its danger to people .
Anonymous commented
I found another mistake, don't correct the guy on that you ninny.
Anonymous commented
Another mistake i found was you posting that mistake you ninny
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
High levels of nutrients that some chemical fertilizers contain can oversaturate soil and cancel out the effectiveness of other vital nutrients.Another way chemical fertilizers can make soil infertile is by increasing its acidity.

Many chemical fertilizers contain sulfuric and hydrochloric acid, which if used in excess can cause serious harm to microorganisms.

Nitrogen-rich chemical fertilizers can have the complete opposite effect on soil in comparison to more acidic fertilizers. Too much nitrogen can lead to a microorganism population boom. In large enough numbers, these microorganisms, instead of helping plants, will hurt them, as they will consume all of the organic material and nutrients I the surrounding soil.

The chemical compounds in the fertilizer can contaminate drinking water supplies and disrupt ecosystems.Chemical fertilizers are often very salty. The over-application of
chemical fertilizers can thus contribute to plants developing unsightly salt burns.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The toxic chemicals found in fertilizers can be absorbed by the plants and thus those chemicals will enter the food chain via vegetables, fruits and cereals which will cause serious problems to all the living organisms that depend on plants. The toxic metals found in fertilizers such as mercury, lead, cadi-um and uranium can disturbances to the kidneys, lungs and liver and can even lead to cancer. But the biggest problem of all is that the chemicals present in the fertilizers seep into the ground water which is then extracted for drinking. This water can contain high level of nitrates and nitrites which have been known to cause a serious disease called blue baby syndrome or methemoglobinemia. Important sources also tell that it can also lead to miscarriage in pregnant women.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
It's really good.This information helped in my project.Thank you.
Anonymous commented
It's really good.This information helped in my project.Thank you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They destroy plants and when it rains the chemical substances flow into rivers and lakes which we drink from ,and thereby we are affected.
Kushal Profile
Kushal answered
Use of chemical fertilizers leads to soil infertility, decreases the quality of vegetables/fruits. Chemical fertilizers releases gas called nitrous oxide.
Chemical fertilizer mixed with water, pollutes water. Excess use of chemical fertilizer may damage the roots and the plants.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
One should always get the soil examined before applying fertilizers. In case of doubt, preference be given to organic fertilizers. If you must use inorganic ones, apply small quantities frequently instead of single application of large quantities.Use plenty of water to avoid root burns.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They Are A Very Harmful As They Spread In The Air And If They Enter The Body Of A Farmer It Causes  Harmful Diseases . Sometimes It Can Also Lead To Death .
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Chemical fertilizers are usually harmful for the environment, since it's poison. Although it helps farmers protect their harvests, those fertilizers enter through the earth, polluting underground water. Also, when in contact with these fertilizers, some vegetables and plants are affected, which can result in food poisoning and such. The underground water polluted with chemicals, evaporates, forming clouds, and then falls, in the form of acid rain.

Organic fertilizers are quite the opposite, since they have no chemicals, they are not harmful for the earth.

Hope it helps.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Inorganic fertilizers sterilize the natural minerals and nutrients found in soils.

· Inorganic fertilizers don't just effect our gardens but also our water ways. When it rains the fertilizer runs into our drains contaminating our water and killing fish.

· Inorganic fertilizers sterilize the natural minerals and nutrients found in soils.

· Inorganic fertilizers don't just effect our gardens but also our water ways. When it rains the fertilizer runs into our drains contaminating our water and killing fish.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The Chemical fertilizers are very hamful to our environment and to our organism in general because are containing the Havy metal which are known as cancergens.

We have to use the biological Ways (Biocomposting by use of worms and bacterias)
Luna Caverly Profile
Luna Caverly answered
  • Chemical fertilizer can be made much faster unlike the natural fertilizer
  • It has much more NPK, usually around 20 to 60 percent, natural fertilizer usually only has a max. Of about 14 percent
  • If it is made according to the soil that it will be used on, it will do nothing but grow a healthy plant
  • Puts acid in the soil
  • Strengthens pesticides(they become stronger and more resistant to chemicals that should keep them away)
  • Other than NPK it contains inert filler and maybe some unnecessarily chemicals
  • It has very little carbon which is a key element in plants
  • It has no energy, so it can only help the plant when there is enough organic matter around from where it can get the energy, otherwise it burns the roots and destroys the plant
  • Chemical fertilizer also get a lot of water out of the soil which it contaminated and therefore pollute water
  • It degrades ecosystems
  • It releases a green house gas called nitrous oxide
  • Jai Khullar Profile
    Jai Khullar answered
    Inorganic fertilizers are synthetic(man made)fertilizers which do not decompose by the action of
    decomposers(bacteria)they remain in soil and reduce their fertility if they remain in excess amount.
    They get washed away with water or seep into underground water and remain undecomposed.
    They are consumed by animals and human beings through food crops and cause many serious disorders and diseases.
    Anonymous Profile
    Anonymous answered
    It may affect the soil if it is excessively apply and it may affect the heath of the farmers who use this.
    Anonymous Profile
    Anonymous answered
    Different  kinds of fertilizers are used to try to protect our lawns and many people don't realize what they are doing out there! They are letting their fertilizer get washed away in to a lake or river.
    Glen Thornbury Profile
    Glen Thornbury answered
    Plus the hair has been found to be better in several ways! Go to!
    BUT the fact that rain and wind relocate a lot of these, and they run off into ditches, streams, lakes, and rivers on their way to the Oceans of the World!
    Where their effect is really messing up things VERY BAD!
    And 70% of YOUR air you breath comes from there!
    tutu song Profile
    tutu song answered
    The advantages of using chemical fertilizers is to make plants grow well but the disadvantage is to make the land Salinization , and it can pollute th river .
    Muzamil Charan Profile
    Muzamil Charan answered
    Advantage :
    1. Batter crop
    2. High quality
    3. More earning
    Disadvantage :
    1. Its expensive so, the production cost rise
    2. It damage enviroment
    3. If eventually you drop it in cannal , then water could be harmfull to drink
    nabwire scarlet Profile
    nabwire scarlet answered
    A chemical fertilizer is referred as any inorganic material that is added to the soil to raise plant growth. Many artificial fertilizers contain acids which normally increase the acidity of the soil and interfere with plant growth whereas organic fertilizer increases soil organic matter, improves soil structure , improves water holding capacity, reduces erosion from wind and water, improves water holding capacity. The organic fertilizers have a great role over the chemical fertilizers in the following ways:-
    1. Organic fertilizers are prepared locally . The cost of these fertilizers is much less compared to chemical fertilizers.
    2. With Organic fertilizers farms remain fertile for hundreds of years. Now with the increased usage of chemical fertilizers, land is becoming infertile forcing most farmers to increase the chemical fertilizer inputs or leave farming.

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