
Why Is Science A Curse?


11 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are a number of scientific discoveries that have dangerous consequences. One of the best examples for a dangerous scientific discovery is the atom bomb. Millions of people were killed in the world’s first atom bomb attack on two Japanese cities. Even after the years of that incidence, many people are still suffering from the dangerous effects of atomic radiation in those cities. Nowadays many countries possess the atomic weapons. Some countries also possess dangerous chemical and biological weapons that can cause mass destruction. What would be the consequence of using those weapons of mass destruction? Have we really created a safe world for our children or grand children? There are many questions still need to be answered.

Many people do not know the dangerous effects of global warming. Our earth has a protective cover known as the Ozone layer, which prevents the harmful ultra violet radiation from the sun. Due to the high consumption of petroleum products, a lot of waste products are released in the atmosphere. This will result in global warming. Even our air conditioner machines and refrigerators release some gases which might cause holes in the ozone layer. The direct effect of global warming is climate change and the indirect effect is sea level rise due to the melting of ice in the Antarctic region. Therefore the results of global warming can be dangerous to our future generation.
I accept that we enjoy a number of benefits due to scientific discoveries. Though we enjoy a number of benefits we still have to consider the long term effects of scientific inventions. In my opinion, most of the scientific inventions are dangerous to human society in the long term. We need electricity to enjoy a number of scientific inventions. For producing electricity, we have to depend on natural resources so we are excessively utilizing those resources without thinking about our future generations. The same is the case in other scientific inventions also. Therefore, I would like to emphasize that the scientific inventions should be used only for the benefit of our society.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Science,like any other thing can be a boon as well as a curse depending upon its usage.bomb was invented as an aid in constructing tunnels and clearing paths.But you know man is the cruelest animal and had to lay its dirty hand on it.He used this bomb for mass destruction and to hurt each other.Thus it is rightly said that,"Science is a boon and curse".
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mankind under shadow of sudden death
Johnny Campbell Profile
Johnny Campbell answered
Here is a shocker for you, Science is not a curse in any way known to man. :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We are living in the world of science.Humans are the most advanced and intelligent spices in the universe,their greater work in science.
John McCann Profile
John McCann answered

Science is a method, nothing more.

Most of these people answering here ( with a couple exceptions ) are calling science a curse while typing on a machine given to mankind by science.

Typical ironry there.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

The real purpose of science was to conquer and harness the forces of nature for the good of man. It was considered to be the harbinger of all comfort progress and prosperity. Today it is looked upon any some as the chief cause of our sufferings. They have reasons to conclude that all is not well with science and its applications. Pure science is a search for truth and as such no fault finding is possible with it. The position however is different in regard to the application of science in the field of practical activity. History shows that the application of science has not always been governed by the principle of justice. Albert Einstein once said Why does this magnificent applied science which saves work and makes life easier bring us so little happiness? The simple answer runs: Because we have not yet learned to make sensible use of it. The last century witnessed the invention of steam locomotives oil engines and other machines. Consequently heavy industries of iron, coal, cloth came to be set up. Production of things increased rapidly and their quality also improved a great deal. It was claimed that the physical labour was taken off the shoulders of man and shifted to machines. But industrialism brought new trouble. It dealt a death blow to cottage industry and the result was a large scale unemployment. It brought into being the tyranny of capital over labour. The rich gained much and the poor were exploited. Strikes and lock outs became the order of the day. Application of machinery to the service of man resulted in more evil than good. Even today the conditions are not better. There is discontentment and friction. Prices are soaring high and the buying power is lowering. There is a plenty of misery poverty starvation in the modern world. Search for raw material and new markets becomes a cause of was instead of peace we get tension. Today moral and ethical values of life are considered to be the things of the past. The sanctity of joint family has been violated. Art and literature has come under influence of mechanization. People have come to haave new medicines and better surgical aid but all that was not promoted a better standard of health. More food is grown but all is stored. Poverty and hunger have prevailed ignorance and disease still exist while millions of dollars are spent on travel to the moon. Hurry and worry are eating away the modern man. Corruption and adulteration are the gifts of science. Life on the whole has become highly artificial. Science has done the greatest harm to mankind in the field of armament. The invention of gun powder was hailed as a great achievement. But with the passage of time it was perfected in a hundred new weapons. Today artillery gun fire, shells and bombs have become a hellish terror to everybody. Atom bomb, Hydrogen bomb, Cobalt and Nitrogen Bombs are various gases are very destructive powers. As a result modern man is more worried more unhappy and poorer than his fellows in the past. Now life is a drudgery for him and it is all due to the wrong use of science. It is not wrong to say

Om Nitin Gangurde Profile

Science is a curse.

Because of the smoke released by vehicles ozone is having holes.

Pollution is caused by science and techonology.

Man is depending on science for just small small things such as he is using calculator for just counting 2+2.

science have maked man helplesss.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think science is boon when we used it for creation and it also curse when we used it for destrution

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