Definitely not. If not for advances in science, I probably would have died by now due to my damaged heart valve. And I would definitely be blind due to my cataracts. I'm very grateful !!
Only to misguided post modernists and new age nutters!
Not at all. As a matter of fact, I read that scientific truth has freed people from many false ideas, such as that the earth is flat, that the earth is the center of the universe, that heat is a fluid called caloric, that foul air causes epidemics, and that the atom is the smallest particle of matter. The practical application of scientific truths in industry, as well as in the fields of communication and transportation, has freed people from unnecessary drudgery and, to a degree, from the limitations of time and distance. Scientific truths applied in preventive medicine and health-care have helped free people from premature death or a morbid fear of disease.