
How Much Rain Fall Does A Desert Get In 1 Year?


24 Answers

Chetan Agrawal Profile
Chetan Agrawal answered
Deserts, and not landscapes that are just perceived as deserts, receive very little rainfall throughout the year. This is precisely why they are known as deserts! A desert is a landscape that has very little vegetation, very little life and very little water. Deserts are often depicted as having large hills of sand, known as dune, and very harsh weather conditions.

Deserts, too, are actually defined as being areas of land that receive on average, every year, less then 250mm (or just around ten inches) of rain throughout the year, which is significantly less to habitable and regular landscapes that humans and animals inhabit.

So let’s look at the Sahara desert for instance, one of the most famous and well known deserts in the world. It’s not surprising given that it’s the largest desert that can be found on earth. This particular area of the world gets as little as 76mm of rain throughout the year. This is just three inches of rain, which is just around a little longer than your thumb. So to put it bluntly and in simple terms, a desert gets so little rain throughout the year that it might as well get none at all.

Whilst the Sahara is the largest desert in the world, there is still another desert that has an even smaller amount of rainfall. This is the Atacama Desert in Chile, and it averages less than 15mm of rain throughout the year. Some years it’s even been claimed to have experience no rain at all, making it one of the most uninhabitable places on earth.

So when it comes to desert remember that it’s not a desert if it receives plenty of rain. Look into precisely what an area of land requires to be classed as a desert before looking into the amount of rainfall it receives throughout the year.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
10 in. Of rain
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
60 percent
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
28% each year
Hly NZ Profile
Hly NZ answered
Actual deserts get very little rainfall, which is in fact, why they are classed as deserts! Deserts are actually defined as areas that recieve on average (annually) less than 250mm (or 10 inches) of rain.

If you want an example, the Sahara which is the worlds largest desert gets around 76mm or 3 inches of rain a year.

One of the deserts with the lowest rainfall is the Atacama Desert in Chile, where it averages less than 15mm of rain a year. Some years it has even had no rain at all!

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