The rain doesn't fall into lakes or rivers as there are none. So therefore it can't evaporate into clouds which release the water as rain.
It does it is just the air is so dry that it don't get a chance to hit the ground in most cases.
It doesn't rain in the desert because the mountains around the desert stop the clouds from coming to the desert. Once the cloud is on the top of the mountain, it rains. This process is called Relief rainfall.
Rain depends on heavy clouds and cloud movement from one point to other, due to parameters like atmospheric pressure, wind, temperature and humidity at the different levels of the atmosphere. Since there is no blocking or holding of these clouds in the desert, where there re no trees or mountains, rain clouds will pass to different place or those clods never reach desert to rain. For higher level please go through the
It does rain a little, just not as much as everywhere else... It's why the desert is what it is... Your question is a little like "Which came first? The chicken or the egg?" The desert is a desert because it doesn't get the rain everyone else gets! Peace & Love -WB

It does not rain in the desert because of the rain shadow. Deserts are shadowed by mountains.
If there is no water in deserts it won't evaporate and there will be no rain
I don't know the answer to your question. I am actually on here trying to find an answer to that question myself, but I find myself getting angry over the fact that you people who are answering this question are complete morons. If I wanted these kind of answers, I would go to a 3rd grade elementary class and ask that question. As for the person who said it doesn't rain in the desert because there are no oceans or seas nearby-you are the dumbest of them all. In case you aren't aware, Southern California is a desert which consists of a low desert and a high desert. Along with the Sahara Desert and half of the middle east, which is also a desert. They all have one thing in common-they border an ocean or sea. End transmission.
In desert as temperature is more and hot winds will be there so the monsoon breezes which are responsible for raining will not be attracted by the hot winds. so only it doesn't rain often in deserts.
It never rains in the desert because there r no clouds in the desert with out any clouds to release its moisture no rain
It doesn't rain in the deserts because there are no oceans or seas so the water can't evaporate and then rain. So because there aren't any seas or oceans around there's no rain.
I'm not sure who to listen to people who says it rains or people who say it doesn't
Mountain are parallel to the rain clouds
I live in the desert and it's been raining everyday in various parts of the Phoenix Metro area. We are in our monsoon season for another six weeks or so.