Dear Naveedanj
I give you this code to help you and I hope it work .
Follow this and you will understand
access>>>>dataset>>>>>datatable>>>>>crystalreportdocument>>>>>crystal report>>>>crystal report viewer
this is the code
s = "select * from emp_name where name='mohamed' "
cm1.CommandText = s
cm1.Connection = cn1
r = cm1.ExecuteReader
Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter
da.SelectCommand = cm1
da.Fill(ds1, s)
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''to this step we have fill the dataset with the required data''''''''''''
Dim Tb1 As DataTable = ds1.Tables(s)
'''''''''''''''''''''''''and now we have datatable with the required data''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
'''''''''''''''''''''''''now we have connect the crystalreportdocument1 with the datetable and load the crystal report to the crystalreportdocument1''''''''''''''''''''''
crystalreportviewer1.ReportSource = crystalreportdocument1
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''now we tell the crystal report viewer that the report source is the crystalreportdocument1
accept my thanks and I hope you be in success
I give you this code to help you and I hope it work .
Follow this and you will understand
access>>>>dataset>>>>>datatable>>>>>crystalreportdocument>>>>>crystal report>>>>crystal report viewer
this is the code
s = "select * from emp_name where name='mohamed' "
cm1.CommandText = s
cm1.Connection = cn1
r = cm1.ExecuteReader
Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter
da.SelectCommand = cm1
da.Fill(ds1, s)
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''to this step we have fill the dataset with the required data''''''''''''
Dim Tb1 As DataTable = ds1.Tables(s)
'''''''''''''''''''''''''and now we have datatable with the required data''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
'''''''''''''''''''''''''now we have connect the crystalreportdocument1 with the datetable and load the crystal report to the crystalreportdocument1''''''''''''''''''''''
crystalreportviewer1.ReportSource = crystalreportdocument1
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''now we tell the crystal report viewer that the report source is the crystalreportdocument1
accept my thanks and I hope you be in success