
During A Typical Rush Hour An Average Driver Can Waste ____ Gallons Of Gasoline Per Year And The Cost Of Time Wasted In Traffic Can Equate To?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
99 / $1160
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It all depends on how fast the car is moving but considering that the car keeps traveling nonstop for the whole hour at lets say an average of 45 mph the amount of gas wasted is 1.25 gallons. That is nothing but driving is involved meaning no airconditoner, music, nothing just driving.This scenario though would only occurred in a perfect conditions so there is no exact answer to your question
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
During a typical rush hour an average driver can waste ____ gallons of gasoline per year and the cost of time wasted in traffic can equate to $____ per person.

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