
What Does The Golgi Bodies Do In An Animal Cell?


2 Answers

Josh Bailey Profile
Josh Bailey answered
The golgi body is important in the cell in protein synthesis, and transportation of newly synthesised proteins.
It is a piled system of membrane sacs, called cisternae, and vesicles.
Protein synthesis occurs to an extent in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and vesicles containing the protein then break off the ER, flow through the cell, and join/fuse to the cis region of the golgi body (the side facing towards the centre of the cell), releasing the protein into the lumen of the golgi body.
As the protein passes through the golgi body, moving through each lumen, breaking through its wall, then into the next lumen, it is chemically altered by enzymes stored in the golgi body.
When the protein is full made, and finished, it travels to the trans region of the golgi body (the side facing away from the centre) and is packaged into a vesicle (a small membrane bound sac). This vesicle is free to travel to an internal part of the cell for the protein to function and do its specific job, or travel to the cell membrane, and the protien can be released via exocytosis in order to perform an external function, not necessarily on the cell itself.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I did this in science last week but I can't remember. I had trouble finding out. I found a good website though. try that or try typing golgi apparatus  or golgi complex its the same thing.

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