What Are The Common Characteristics Of Third World Countries?


6 Answers

Iris Phillips Profile
Iris Phillips answered
The common characteristics of third world countries, or LDCs (Least Developed Countries) as they are frequently referred to today, are highly dependent and distorted economies; rural, traditional structures and high rates of population growth, as well as wide spread poverty.

  • Contrast
There is, however, a sharp contrast in the third world, because countries on varying levels of development are included. In addition, in spite of urban shanty towns and rural poverty, the elite few ruling the majority of third world countries manage to be extremely wealthy.

  • Absorption Into Capitalist Economy
This contrasting combination of conditions and circumstances in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania is directly linked to the swallowing up of third world countries through either indirect domination or direct conquest into the capitalist Western economy.

  • World Market
The creation of the first world market in history was the most significant result of Western domination. The setting up of sub-economies linked to Western companies throughout the countries of the third world, combined with the introduction of various modern institutions, disrupted traditional societies and economies, leading to underdevelopment.

  • Economies
The economies of most underdeveloped countries are geared to serve the needs of the industrialized Western countries. They often consist of no more than a handful of modern economic activities, like cultivation of crops in plantations and mining, for instance.

Frequently these limited activities remain under the control of large foreign companies. Trade with the Western world provides nearly all of third world income. Prices of products are determined by the large buyers within the economically dominant countries.

  • Exploitation
Severe exploitation during the colonial period left little capital to develop even after decolonization. Deterioration of terms of trade, a relation between cost of required imports and income from exports, further helped to worsen the economic position of third world countries.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Describe in negative terms such as:
- Former colonies
- Traditional, rural structures
- Widespread poverty
- Unstable governmnet
- Underdeveloped
- Weak dependent economics
- Supply 1st World with raw materials
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
List the common characteristics of the third world countries
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Poverty, corruption, crime and mismanagement
Tariq Habib Profile
Tariq Habib answered
Different countries of the world face different problems as far their governments and people are concerned. No doubt highly developed countries face less problems while developing countries face a little more problems while underdeveloped countries face many problems. Your question is about the problems of underdeveloped countries, which I will try to explain.
The first problem of underdeveloped countries is shortage of those resources, which help in the progress. May be these countries don't have rich land for agriculture, which is the basic need of man. Secondly these countries have less industry, which plays an important role in the progress of the country as well as it also provides jobs to the unemployed people. Without industry these countries are unable to meet their own requirements and they are unable to export anything hence as a result to earn any foreign exchange. As these countries lack both these two important sectors agriculture and industry, its people are bound to remain deprived of basic facilities of life. As poverty prevails in such countries, many social evils also begin there, which further creates many problems.

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