
What Is The Population Of Ancient Rome?


2 Answers

Evelyn Vaz Profile
Evelyn Vaz answered
The population of Ancient Rome from 6th century BC—1st century AD was as follows; In 508 BC the population was 130,000. In 503 BC it comprised of 120,000, while in 498 BC it was 150,700. In 493 BC it was approximately 110,000. In the early 474 BC it was around 103,000, while in 465 BC it was 104,714 and in 459 BC it was 117,319. In 294 BC the populace that lived here was 262,321, while in 289 BC it was around 27,200 and in 280 BC it was approximately 287,222. In 14 AD the population comprised of 4,937,000.    The Roman society then comprised of households and families. Households in the early years comprised of household, paterfamilias (father of the family), his wife, children, and other relatives. The eldest of the family i.e. The Father, had all the powers which as that time known as "father's power", aka patria potestas. His authority powers were that he could force marriage and divorce, sell his children into slavery assert his dependents' possessions as his own, and perhaps even had the authority to kill family members. 
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I would have to see sources for all of thees dates. Especially the claim of 4.937 million in 14 AD? Assuming this predated the population peak of the capital, this seems highly, highly suspect. The highest number I have ever seen in a published work has been 2.5 million people in the early-to-mid 2nd century.

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