What Is The Difference Between Boiling & Evaporation?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The other answer is incorrect. Evaporation isn't just water being absorbed into the atmosphere at all...

There are differences between the two. Evaporation can occur at temperatures lower than the boiling point of a substance. Also evaporation occurs only at the surface of a liquid. With boiling however vapour can arise from inside the body of the substance (you know when a substance is boiling because you see bubbles...). Boiling and evaporation are different. Boiling occurs when the vapor pressure of a substance, equals the atmospheric pressure on the liquid. So evaporation just occurs at a higher rate when something has reached boiling point.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The Four important differences are that
1. Evaporation does not involve formation of bubbles,
2. Evaporation does not involve convective streams from bottom layers to top layers of liquid
3. Evaporation can occur at any temperature while Boiling occurs at a temperature, when the vapour pressure is equal to prevailing atmospheric pressure
4. Evaporation occurs only at the surface of a liquid while Boiling occurs throughout the liquid and this can be seen by the bubbles
Steven Vakula Profile
Steven Vakula answered
Boiling is where water will turn into steam and eventually disappear from the heat and evaporate. Evaporation is water being absorbed into the atmosphere. This is what cause humidity and why it is so sticky when it is hot because of the moisture that has been absorbed into the air.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Evaporation can happen in night also night,what ever weather.but boiling only happen in boiling point 100 celcius.

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