
What Are The Elements Of A Research Problem?


1 Answers

Neha Agrawal Profile
Neha Agrawal answered
There are three main elements of a research problem. They are:

1. Positioning the research
2. Developing a research road map
3. Getting your ideas across


  • Your research must be positioned at the intersection of your gifts, your interests and what society needs. It must be so positioned that it plays to your strengths.
  • To develop a road map, you need to create an exciting application scenario that will motivate you and help you focus your efforts. Also, pick the right problems to work on. Know what has been done and estimate its impacts.
  • To get your ideas across, you need to impart an understanding with your audience. Involve them and ask questions. An ideal presentation would be one that is informative, interesting and insightful.
  • Thus, to excel in research, we must position R&D strategically, identify and formulate high-impact problems and communicate our ideas and our research results effectively.
Where is Research Needed?

  • There are various kinds of research going on at different part of the world. Millions of people are engaged in these research projects.
  • Now, governments of every country are realizing the importance of research and fostering those.
  • On the other hand, giant companies are investing heavily in the research & development (R&D) wing. We are getting newer things only due to the continuous advances in research.
Some Issues Researchers Face

  • Cash crunch is one of the major problems a scientist faces.
  • Scientists face technology crunch at the time of carrying out research.
  • Raw material problem is another common problem scientists face at the time of carrying out research.

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