
How Are Rivers Formed?


11 Answers

Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
A river is a body of freshwater. All rivers originate in mountains and flow downhill. They usually end up meeting the ocean. The mouth of a river is the lower end of the river. The mouth or lower end of a river is also known as the base level of the river.

A river is a large natural waterway that is formed when a group of lakes, springs or streams known as headwaters that originates in the mountains meets each other and forms a large lake, spring or stream (headwater).

The water of a river is confined to a channel. A channel is made up of a stream bed. The stream bed lies between the two banks of the river. Most of the rainfall received by the land passes through a river before proceeding towards the ocean. Most rivers are joined by smaller rivers or streams in their way to the ocean. These small rivers or streams are known as tributaries.
Zain Aamir Profile
Zain Aamir answered
Rain and other water on the earth's surface is constantly being carried off. Rivers are the larger streams that accomplish this task. Streams are smaller than rivers are brooks. And still smaller streams are rivulets. These flow together and Join until the growing stream may become a large river.

Many rivers flow into the sea. But some rivers flow into in land lakes, and rivers that enter dry plains may even grow smaller and smaller until they disappear by evaporation or by sinking into the dry soil.River water comes in part From rain water that flows along the ground into the stream channel. Or the river water may come from melting snow and ice, from springs, and from lakes.

Large rivers have many tributaries, or smaller streams, that flow into the main stream. The Ohio and Missouri—which are giant rivers themselves—are really tributaries of the still greater Mississippi. Each tributary has its own smaller tributaries, so that a great river system like the Mississippi is composed of thousands of rivers, creeks, brooks, and rivulets.
The land drained by a river system is called its "drainage basin", or "watershed". The Missouri-Mississippi, which is about 3,890 miles long, drains about 1,243,700 square miles. The Amazon River, some 3,900 miles long, has a watershed of over 2,722,000 square miles.

Rivers wear away the land and carry it, bit by bit, into the sea. During thousands of years, this can cause great erosion of the land. The Grand Canyon is the World's best example of how rivers can cut great alcoves into the land. The only reason a day has 24 hours in it is that man has decided he would like to work out time that way.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Rivers are formed when their is an heavy rain, the mountain will become landslide and the fresh water will create an river...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Rivers are formed by God
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Rivers are formed when streams of water are dripping down a hill mountain or a slope it then drips down to the mouth wich is the sea or ocen then it starts the water cycle
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Rivers are formed when thunder strikes the ground then makes a hole and someone takes a leak in it. The continuous leakages form the river.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They are formed , the  rain comes to the mountain and in travels down until the river or lake is formed.

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