
What Is The Reproductive System Of A Flower?


3 Answers

Yooti Bhansali Profile
Yooti Bhansali answered
The reproductive system in a flower can be of two types – Bisexual or Unisexual.
The bisexual structure has both the male and female elements; they are called stamens and pistil. Such a flower is referred to as a perfect or complete flower. Other names for such a reproductive system in a flower include Hermaphrodite,Monoclinous etc
A unisexual structure can be either of the two, male or female in function. These are referred to as imperfect, incomplete or diclinous flowers.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The reproductive system of a flower is really big. If for example one hibiscus bush is in your garden then there is one next door, and the wind comes then it will blow the nektor and or pollen to the next bush. Or a bee might sit on one flower on one bush and go to another and the pollen and or nektor will drop into the flower.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The reproductive system in a flower can be of two types – Bisexual or Unisexual.
The bisexual structure has both the male and female elements; they are called stamens and pistil. Such a flower is referred to as a perfect or complete flower. Other names for such a reproductive system in a flower include Hermaphrodite,Monoclinous etc
A unisexual structure can be either of the two, male or female in function. These are referred to as imperfect, incomplete or diclinous flowers.

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