A flower is the reproductive part of a plant, which later develops into a fruit and therefore paves the way for the plant to continue its ecological evolution over the years. Considering the very vitality of this part of the plant, flowers are therefore one of the most important and fascinating aspects of study in the subject of botany.
Through constant research and study, botanists have concluded that a flower has four structural parts, namely the calyx, the corolla, the stamen and the pistil. The calyx is further divided into smaller parts called sepals, which are smaller petals and are normally green in colour.
The second part of the flower that is called the corolla is the most colourful and attractive part of the flower and its function is to attract insects. It is made up of petals, which have bright and vibrant colours of all kinds and play a great part in alluring insects to drop pollens.
The third part of the flower is the stamen, which is further divided into the anther (which is the top part of the stamen and has a sticking quality which sticks pollen grains to its surface) and the filament, which is the longer part of the stamen, like a thin tube-like structure.
Last but definitely not the least, the pistil is the most important part of the flower and is further divided into the stigma, style and ovary. The stigma is the upper part of the pistil, the style is the middle part and the ovary is the downward and the more swollen part of the pistil where the actual reproduction takes place.
Through constant research and study, botanists have concluded that a flower has four structural parts, namely the calyx, the corolla, the stamen and the pistil. The calyx is further divided into smaller parts called sepals, which are smaller petals and are normally green in colour.
The second part of the flower that is called the corolla is the most colourful and attractive part of the flower and its function is to attract insects. It is made up of petals, which have bright and vibrant colours of all kinds and play a great part in alluring insects to drop pollens.
The third part of the flower is the stamen, which is further divided into the anther (which is the top part of the stamen and has a sticking quality which sticks pollen grains to its surface) and the filament, which is the longer part of the stamen, like a thin tube-like structure.
Last but definitely not the least, the pistil is the most important part of the flower and is further divided into the stigma, style and ovary. The stigma is the upper part of the pistil, the style is the middle part and the ovary is the downward and the more swollen part of the pistil where the actual reproduction takes place.