I love flowers, any kind really. My grandmother had a love for african violets. But, really what woman don't like to receive flowers, or roses? Lol
I love flowers too... Lilies and daisies would be my favorite... No particular reason. I have to go against the tide and say I'd rather not receive flowers. They're too expensive and they just die! I'd rather see them growing.
I love all flowers but among my most favorite are roses, carnations, and blue bonnets.
I love flowers! Like you said though what woman doesn't like flowers? It's doesn't really matter what kind they are....there are great.
My personal favorite is the Passionflower Vine {pictured at left} for a few reasons:
- It is unique in its beauty
- It has a Biblical meaning
- It provides Passion Fruitโฅ

I love flowers, and have many of them too, tulips, mini pansies, lobelia, mini roses, and more.
Yes I love flowers a lot.
Well , I adore flowers
No (mostly girls do)
I enjoy flowers. However, due to my allergies to pollen, it usually doesn't end well for me.
I do love flowers, especially roses, they make me feel good, as they are beautiful, lovely. So when I'm in a bad mood then I have to go to the park that has the flowers for good breathing.
I love flowers. I like roses, lotus, lily, sunflower, marigold and many others. I like their smell as well as their beauty. My sis says that she is a Flower!!! Isn't that silly?
Ya i like flowers to much......